Book Description
This open book discusses how the involvement of citizens into scientific endeavors is expected to contribute to solve the big challenges of our time, such as climate change and the loss of biodiversity, growing inequalities within and between societies, and the sustainability turn. The field of citizen science has been growing in recent decades. Many different stakeholders from scientists to citizens and from policy makers to environmental organisations have been involved in its practice. In addition, many scientists also study citizen science as a research approach and as a way for science and society to interact and collaborate. This book provides a representation of the practices as well as scientific and societal outcomes in different disciplines. It reflects the contribution of citizen science to societal development, education, or innovation and provides and overview of the field of actors as well as on tools and guidelines. It serves as an introduction for anyone who wants to get involved in and learn more about the science of citizen science.
This open book is licensed under a Creative Commons License (CC BY). You can download The Science of Citizen Science ebook for free in PDF format (8.9 MB).
Book Details
The Science of Citizen Science
Sociology and Social Sciences
ISBN13 Digital
ISBN10 Digital
PDF Size
8.9 MB

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