Book Description
Ccurrently many of Julia's users are hard-core developers that contribute to the language's standard libraries, and to the extensive package eco-system that surrounds it. Therefore, much of the Julia material available at present is aimed at other developers rather than end users. This is where our book comes in, as it has been written with the end-user in mind. The code examples have been deliberately written in a simple format, sometimes at the expense of efficiency and generality, but with the advantage of being easily readable. Each of the code examples aims to convey a specific statistical point, while covering Julia programming concepts in parallel. In a way, the code examples are reminiscent of examples that a lecturer may use in a lecture to illustrate concepts. The content of the book is written in a manner that does not assume any prior statistical knowledge, and in fact only assumes some basic programming experience and a basic understanding of mathematical notation.
This open book is licensed under a Open Publication License (OPL). You can download Statistics with Julia ebook for free in PDF format (13.3 MB).
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Introducing Julia
Chapter 2
Basic Probability
Chapter 3
Probability Distributions
Chapter 4
Processing and Summarizing Data
Chapter 5
Statistical Inference Ideas
Chapter 6
Confidence Intervals
Chapter 7
Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 8
Linear Regression
Chapter 9
Machine Learning Basics
Chapter 10
Simulation of Dynamic Models
Appendix A
How-to in Julia
Appendix B
Additional Language Features
Appendix C
Additional Packages
Book Details
Statistics with Julia
Computer Science
PDF Size
13.3 MB
Open Publication License

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