Book Description
Optimizing HPC Applications with Intel Cluster Tools takes the reader on a tour of the fast-growing area of high performance computing and the optimization of hybrid programs. These programs typically combine distributed memory and shared memory programming models and use the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and OpenMP for multi-threading to achieve the ultimate goal of high performance at low power consumption on enterprise-class workstations and compute clusters.
The book focuses on optimization for clusters consisting of the Intel Xeon processor, but the optimization methodologies also apply to the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor and heterogeneous clusters mixing both architectures. Besides the tutorial and reference content, the authors address and refute many myths and misconceptions surrounding the topic. The text is augmented and enriched by descriptions of real-life situations.
This open book is licensed under a Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND). You can download Optimizing HPC Applications with Intel Cluster Tools ebook for free in PDF format (6.6 MB).
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
No Time to Read This Book?
Chapter 2
Overview of Platform Architectures
Chapter 3
Top-Down Software Optimization
Chapter 4
Addressing System Bottlenecks
Chapter 5
Addressing Application Bottlenecks: Distributed Memory
Chapter 6
Addressing Application Bottlenecks: Shared Memory
Chapter 7
Addressing Application Bottlenecks: Microarchitecture
Chapter 8
Application Design Considerations
Book Details
Optimizing HPC Applications with Intel Cluster Tools
Computer Science
ISBN13 Digital
ISBN10 Digital
PDF Size
6.6 MB

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