Online communities provide a wide range of opportunities for supporting a cause, marketing a product or service, or building open source software. The Art of Community helps you recruit members, motivate them, and manage them as active participants. Author Jono Bacon offers experiences and observations from his 14-year effort to build and manage co...

This book aims to teach the Python programming language using a practical approach. Its method is quite simple: after a short introduction to each topic, the reader is invited to learn more by solving the proposed exercises.
These exercises have been used extensively in my web development and distributed computing classes at the Superior School ...

An introduction to CoffeeScript programming with an emphasis on clarity, abstraction and verification.
Smooth CoffeeScript is a free book about CoffeeScript and programming. No previous programming knowledge is required. Over 200 pages and 35 exercises....

David Harvey's The Condition of Postmodernity rationalised capitalism's transformation during an extraordinary year: 1989. It gave theoretical expression to a material and cultural reality that was just then getting properly started - globalisation and postmodernity - whilst highlighting the geo-spatial limits to accumulation imposed by o...

Software developers work rhetorically to make meaning through the code they write. In some ways, writing code is like any other form of communication; in others, it proves to be new, exciting, and unique. In Rhetorical Code Studies, Kevin Brock explores how software code serves as meaningful communication through which software developers construct...

This new book analyses the strategies, usages and wider implications of crowdsourcing and crowdfunding platforms in the culture and communication industries that are reshaping economic, organizational and social logics. Platforms are the object of considerable hype with a growing global presence. Relying on individual contributions coordinated by s...

Software has become a key component of contemporary life and algorithmic techniques that rank, classify, or recommend anything that fits into digital form are everywhere. This book approaches the field of information ordering conceptually as well as historically. Building on the philosophy of Gilbert Simondon and the cultural techniques tradition, ...

This book is a collection of short interviews with 14 prominent individuals from different parts of the world, from Australia to Canada, and of different occupations, from low-level programmers to physicists and musicians, asking them a more-or-less similar set of questions on the following topics: their general attitude to programming, attitude to...

Even connecting a few programs across a few sockets is plain nasty when you start to handle real life situations. Trillions? The cost would be unimaginable. Connecting computers is so difficult that software and services to do this is a multi-billion dollar business. So today we're still connecting applications using raw UDP and TCP, proprieta...

The demand for skilled data science practitioners in industry, academia, and government is rapidly growing. This book introduces concepts and skills that can help you tackle real-world data analysis challenges. It covers concepts from probability, statistical inference, linear regression and machine learning. It also helps you develop skills such a...

The Spring Framework Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

Around the world, organizations are facing the challenge of becoming more efficient by increasing productivity with their existing resources - or sometimes even less. Robotic process automation (RPA) is a technology that can augment the productivity of human workers by liberating them from tedious and repetitive tasks that can be performed faster a...

Unresponsive or sluggish applications can give the impression of a broken or low-quality app. Using asynchronous programming methods, apps can be made to function well even when performing other tasks. In Asynchronous Programming Succinctly, Dirk Strauss shows readers how to use Microsoft Visual Studio to create apps that function well even when pe...

The Go programming language is relatively small and concise, but its depth makes it an ideal option for solving modern-day development problems. In Go Succinctly, author Mark Lewin guides readers through the basics of Go, and he provides documentation and resources that allow users to dive into the language and learn it for themselves. By the end o...

Your customers demand and deserve better security and privacy in their software. This book is the first to detail a rigorous, proven methodology that measurably minimizes security bugs - the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). In this long-awaited book, security experts Michael Howard and Steve Lipner from the Microsoft Security Engineering Team ...

This ground-breaking collection of essays examines the scope and consequences of digital vigilantism - a phenomenon emerging on a global scale, which sees digital audiences using social platforms to shape social and political life. Longstanding forms of moral scrutiny and justice seeking are disseminated through our contemporary media landscape, an...

The figures are eye-opening: more than 1.6 billion works on 9 million websites are licensed under Creative Commons (CC). These materials constitute an extraordinarily rich repository for teaching, learning, sharing, and creative reuse. Knowing your way around CC will help you make the most of the Open Access (OA) and open educational resources (OER...

Get a head start evaluating Windows 10-with technical insights from award-winning journalist and Windows expert Ed Bott. This guide introduces new features and capabilities, providing a practical, high-level overview for IT professionals ready to begin deployment planning now.
The goal of this book is to help you sort out what's new in Wind...

Online teaching can quickly become overwhelming. Finding ways to offer detailed and quality support, learning, and feedback, but through efficient and time-saving methods, will mean higher quality learning for less instructional time. For example, save all the course announcements, as they can be reused time and again. Create files of all tutorials...

ECMAScript (more popularly known by the name "JavaScript") is the language of the web. In the decades past, it has been used to augment web pages with trivial features and obnoxious gimmicks. Today, the language is used to write full-featured web applications that rival modern desktop software in nearly every regard and has even expanded ...

Development of embedded software has for some years mainly been carried out by hardware-aware programming using the C-language, and in some cases even in assembly languages. This works well in simple cases when the application demands and the hardware are known at design time, and the size of the (statically defined) software is small. When applica...

Streamline software development with Jenkins, the popular Java-based open source tool that has revolutionized the way teams think about Continuous Integration (CI). This complete guide shows you how to automate your build, integration, release, and deployment processes with Jenkins - and demonstrates how CI can save you time, money, and many headac...

This instructive book takes you step by step through ways to track, merge, and manage both open source and commercial software projects with Mercurial, using Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, and other systems. Mercurial is the easiest system to learn when it comes to distributed revision control. And it's a very flexible tool that's ide...

Linux, a Unix-compatible operating system that runs on personal computers and larger servers, is valued above all for its networking strengths. The Linux Network Administrator's Guide spells out all the information needed for joining a network, whether it's a simple UUCP connection or a full LAN with a Linux system serving as a firewall, ...

Thread-safe, reliable, and lightning-fast, Rust has been the most loved programming language on Stack Overflow for four years and counting! This open source systems language gets its amazing speed in large part from its memory safety - and without resource-greedy garbage collection. Offering freedom from a runtime requirement, a rich type system, a...

The complexity of software development requires coordination and collaboration between all teams involved to guarantee that the client - whether a customer or another team in-house - is satisfied. DevOps is one strategy for achieving successful development, testing, and deployment, and Microsoft Azure provides a collection of tools and services tha...

Explore the fundamentals of Vue.js, a top open-source JavaScript framework, and harness its powerful features to build UIs and single-page applications. Succinctly series writer Ed Freitas employs the same principals he used in Flutter Succinctly to teach readers how to build a web app with Vue.js....

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook. It is an unofficial and free React Native ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

jQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax. It is an unofficial and free jQuery ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overfl...

JavaScript is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. It is an unofficial and free JavaScript ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

C# is a general-purpose, modern and object-oriented programming language pronounced as "C sharp". It is an unofficial and free C# ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is an unofficial and free R ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....