Cosmos DB is a NoSQL database service included in Azure that is continuously adding new features and has quickly become one of the most innovative services found in Azure, targeting mission-critical applications at a global scale. This book starts off by showing you the main features of Cosmos DB, their supported NoSQL data models and the foundatio...

This project-based eBook will introduce you to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), a stylesheet language used to control the presentation of websites, by building a personal website using our demonstration site as a model. Though our demonstration site features Sammy the Shark, you can switch out Sammy's information with your own if you wish to pers...

Modern science communication has emerged in the twentieth century as a field of study, a body of practice and a profession - and it is a practice with deep historical roots. We have seen the birth of interactive science centres, the first university actions in teaching and conducting research, and a sharp growth in employment of science communicato...

This open book highlights the complexities around making adaptation decisions and building resilience in the face of climate risk. It is based on experiences in sub-Saharan Africa through the Future Climate For Africa (FCFA) applied research programme. It begins by dealing with underlying principles and structures designed to facilitate effective e...

This open book discusses British literature as part of a network of global entangled modernities and shared aesthetic concerns, departing from the retrospective model of a postcolonial "writing back" to the centre. Accordingly, the narrative strategies in the texts of early Black Atlantic authors, like Equiano, Sancho, Wedderburn, and Sea...

This open book promotes the idea that all media types are multimodal and that comparing media types, through an intermedial lens, necessarily involves analysing these multimodal traits. The collection includes a series of interconnected articles that illustrate and clarify how the concepts developed in Elleström's influential article The Moda...

In this open publication it is shown, that sustainable low carbon development is a transformative process that constitutes the shifting from the initially chosen or taken pathway to another pathway as goals have been re-visited and revised to enable the system to adapt to changes. However, shifting entails transition costs that are accrued through ...

Many scholars have wondered if a non-Western theory of international politics founded on different premises, be it from Asia or from the "Global South," could release international relations from the grip of a Western, "Westphalian" model. This book argues that a Buddhist approach to international relations could provide a genui...

This open book promotes the idea that all media types are multimodal and that comparing media types, through an intermedial lens, necessarily involves analysing these multimodal traits. The collection includes a series of interconnected articles that illustrate and clarify how the concepts developed in Elleström's influential article The Moda...

This open book takes a critical and international perspective to the mainstreaming of the Global Citizenship Concept and analyses the key issues regarding global citizenship education across the world. In that respect, it addresses a pressing need to provide further conceptual input and to open global citizenship agendas to diversity and indigeneit...

This open book synthesizes leading-edge science and management information about forest and rangeland soils of the United States. It offers ways to better understand changing conditions and their impacts on soils, and explores directions that positively affect the future of forest and rangeland soil health. This book outlines soil processes and ide...

This open volume makes an important contribution to the ongoing research on hope theory by combining insights from both its long history and its increasing multi-disciplinarity. In the first part, it recognizes the importance of the centuries-old reflection on hope by offering historical perspectives and tracing it back to ancient Greek philosophy....

Academic Success is designed to help students on their university journey. It is divided into four parts, each reflecting different aspects of a student's tertiary experience. Part A: Successful Beginnings addresses what it is like to be a new student at an Australian university. Part B: Successful Foundations introduces basic skills in Englis...

Do you know that an empowering word can spark ideas, open doors, change attitudes, and create solutions?
Words can do all these things and much more. They have the potency to redefine personalities, lives, and entire communities. Just think of some of the things words are used for every day:
- To communicate a message
- To express a feeling

It took me a pretty long time to really get Git. As I've continued to use Git more and more where I work, I've found myself trying to teach people what it is and why we use it over and over again, and the reality is that Git generally has a pretty steep learning curve compared to many other systems. I've seen case after case of devel...

We are entering a new era of technological determinism and solutionism in which governments and business actors are seeking data-driven change, assuming that Artificial Intelligence is now inevitable and ubiquitous. But we have not even started asking the right questions, let alone developed an understanding of the consequences. Urgently needed is ...

It is often assumed that creative people are prone to psychological instability, and that this explains apparent associations between cultural production and mental health problems. In their detailed study of recording and performing artists in the British music industry, Sally Anne Gross and George Musgrave turn this view on its head.
By liste...

Site reliability engineering (SRE) is more relevant than ever. Knowing how to keep systems reliable has become a critical skill. With this practical book, newcomers and old hats alike will explore a broad range of conversations happening in SRE. You'll get actionable advice on several topics, including how to adopt SRE, why SLOs matter, when y...

A short course for students to increase their proficiency in analyzing and interpreting data visualizations. By completing this short course students will be able to explain the importance of data literacy, identify data visualization issues in order to improve their own skills in data story-telling. The intended outcome of this course is to help s...

This edited collection proposes a common good approach to development theory and practice. Rather than focusing on the outcomes or conditions of development, the contributors concentrate on the quality of development processes, suggesting that a common good dynamic is key in order to trigger development.
Resulting from more than three years of r...

What does it mean to say that someone is autistic?
Towards an Ethics of Autism is an exploration of this question and many more. In this thoughtful, wide-ranging book, Kristien Hens examines a number of perspectives on autism, including psychiatric, biological, and philosophical, to consider different ways of thinking about autism, as well as it...

Can humans and artificial intelligences share concepts and communicate? Making AI Intelligible shows that philosophical work on the metaphysics of meaning can help answer these questions. Herman Cappelen and Josh Dever use the externalist tradition in philosophy to create models of how AIs and humans can understand each other. In doing so, they ill...

Becoming a Scholar provides a window into the lives of nine non-traditional doctoral students. As mature, part-time, international students enrolled in a professional doctorate programme, they reflect on the transformation process of becoming scholars, and their narratives provide breadth and depth to themes that represent a diverse cross-section o...

If you are interested in learning how to build and design websites, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a great place to start. This project-based tutorial series will introduce you to HTML and its methods by building a personal website using our demonstration site (below) as a model. Once you learn the basics, you will know how change the website...

This workbook was designed for the Introduction to Archaeology (ANTH 2339) class in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Texas at Arlington. It was created to provide exercises that supplement and expand on topics and issues raised in lecture. For each major topic, students complete exercises that serve a range of functions; ...

As we develop the applications to meet current and future needs, it is only natural to use current best practices and techniques for our designs and implementations. In the quest to improve how we develop, we can access a true wealth of information which is available on design patterns, object-oriented analysis, low-level code techniques and langua...

Deep learning is often viewed as the exclusive domain of math PhDs and big tech companies. But as this hands-on guide demonstrates, programmers comfortable with Python can achieve impressive results in deep learning with little math background, small amounts of data, and minimal code. How? With fastai, the first library to provide a consistent inte...

For many years, Java Swing enabled developers to write applications that could run on any operating system. That all came to an end with the arrival of smart phones, tablets, and embedded computers.
In the enterprise, the desktop dominated for many years. In the meantime, however, almost every IT project includes plans for a future where the app...

This book contains the background that's missing from other tutorials. Here you'll learn key concepts so you'll have a solid foundation for continued study. Whether you choose to continue with another book in this series, a video course, or a code school, everything will make sense when you start here.
You can read this book anywh...

This is a chapter from Absence in Science, Security and Policy edited by Brian Rappert and Brian Balmer. Part reflection on the forthcoming chapters, part analysis of academic literature, and part programmatic agenda setting, this introduction chapter forwards the importance of questioning taken for granted assumptions in sensing what is absent as ...

The first of its kind, this Open Report is a first step in assessing the state of the humanities worldwide. Based on an extensive literature review and enlightening interviews the book discusses the value of the humanities, the nature of humanities research and the relation between humanities and politics, amongst other issues....

Managing Risk and Information Security: Protect to Enable, an ApressOpen title, describes the changing risk environment and why a fresh approach to information security is needed. Because almost every aspect of an enterprise is now dependent on technology, the focus of IT security must shift from locking down assets to enabling the business while m...