This book is a step-by-step introduction on how shell scripting can help solve many of the data processing tasks that Health and Life specialists face everyday with minimal software dependencies. The examples presented in the book show how simple command line tools can be used and combined to retrieve data and text from web resources, to filter and...

This book describes the results of natural language processing and machine learning methods applied to clinical text from electronic patient records.It is divided into twelve chapters. Chapters 1-4 discuss the history and background of the original paper-based patient records, their purpose, and how they are written and structured. These initial ch...

Examining materials from early modern and contemporary North India and Pakistan, Tellings and Texts brings together seventeen first-rate papers on the relations between written and oral texts, their performance, and the musical traditions these performances have entailed. The contributions from some of the best scholars in the field cover a wide ra...

Most contemporary digital studies are interested in distant-reading paradigms for large-scale literary history. This book asks what happens when such telescopic techniques function as a microscope instead. The first monograph to bring a range of computational methods to bear on a single novel in a sustained fashion, it focuses on the award-winning ...

Inclusive language remains a hot topic. Despite decades of empirical evidence and revisions of formal language use, many inclusive adaptations of English and German continue to be ignored or contested. But how to convince speakers of the importance of inclusive language? Rewriting Language provides one possible answer: by engaging readers with the ...

Web development is an evolving amalgamation of languages that work in concert to receive, modify, and deliver information between parties using the Internet as a mechanism of delivery.
While it is easy to describe conceptually, implementation is accompanied by an overwhelming variety of languages, platforms, templates, frameworks, guidelines, and ...

This collection of essays from world-renowned scholar Hans Walter Gabler contains writings from a decade and a half of retirement spent exploring textual criticism, genetic criticism, and literary criticism. In these sixteen stimulating contributions, he develops theories of textual criticism and editing that are inflected by our advance into the d...

Much of the data available today is unstructured and text-heavy, making it challenging for analysts to apply their usual data wrangling and visualization tools. With this practical book, you'll explore text-mining techniques with tidytext, a package that authors Julia Silge and David Robinson developed using the tidy principles behind R packag...

This volume discusses the effects, models and implications of history teaching in relation to conflict transformation and reconciliation from a social-psychological perspective. Bringing together a mix of established and young researchers and academics, from the fields of psychology, education, and history, the book provides an in-depth exploration...

This book covers all facets of entity-oriented search—where "search" can be interpreted in the broadest sense of information access—from a unified point of view, and provides a coherent and comprehensive overview of the state of the art. It represents the first synthesis of research in this broad and rapidly developing area. Selected ...

This work examines the main directions of research conducted on the history of mathematics education. It devotes substantial attention to research methodologies and the connections between this field and other scholarly fields. The results of a survey about academic literature on this subject are accompanied by a discussion of what has yet to be do...

This topical survey focuses on research in tertiary mathematics education, a field that has experienced considerable growth over the last 10 years. Drawing on the most recent journal publications as well as the latest advances from recent high-quality conference proceedings, our review culls out the following five emergent areas of interest: mathem...

The data you encounter in the real world is usually easier to think of as objects or documents than as the tables and rows required by a standard RDBMS. RavenDB, a modern document-oriented database written in .NET, requires no schema to be declared and enables developers to work with data more naturally. RavenDB applications are high-performance, l...

This book explores how the socially disputed period of the Cold War is remembered in today's history classroom. Applying a diverse set of methodological strategies, the authors map the dividing lines in and between memory cultures across the globe, paying special attention to the impact the crisis-driven age of our present has on images of the...

In a world where new technologies are being developed at a dizzying pace, how can we best approach oral genres that represent heritage? Taking an innovative and interdisciplinary approach, this volume explores the idea of sharing as a model to construct and disseminate the knowledge of literary heritage with the people who are represented by and in...

The Book of Judith tells the story of a fictitious Jewish woman beheading Holofernes, the general of a powerful army, to free her people. The story has fascinated artists and authors for centuries, and is becoming a major field of research in its own right.
The Sword of Judith is the first multidisciplinary collection of essays to discuss repres...

The Linux Command Line takes you from your very first terminal keystrokes to writing full programs in Bash, the most popular Linux shell (or command line). Along the way you'll learn the timeless skills handed down by generations of experienced, mouse-shunning gurus: file navigation, environment configuration, command chaining, pattern matchin...

This book presents strategies for analyzing qualitative and mixed methods data with MAXQDA software, and provides guidance on implementing a variety of research methods and approaches, e.g. grounded theory, discourse analysis and qualitative content analysis, using the software. In addition, it explains specific topics, such as transcription, build...

This comprehensive edited volume is the first of its kind, designed to serve as a textbook for long-duration business analytics programs. It can also be used as a guide to the field by practitioners. The book has contributions from experts in top universities and industry. The editors have taken extreme care to ensure continuity across the chapters...

Scripting and automation tasks often need to extract particular portions of text from input data or modify them from one format to another.
This book will help you learn Python Regular Expressions, a mini-programming language for all sorts of text processing needs.
The book heavily leans on examples to present features of regular expressions ...

Scripting and automation tasks often need to extract particular portions of text from input data or modify them from one format to another.
This book will help you learn Ruby Regular Expressions, a mini-programming language for all sorts of text processing needs.
The book heavily leans on examples to present features of regular expressions on...

Most creative writing textbooks cover the three popular categories of literature: poetry, nonfiction, and fiction. This textbook is different in two ways, then, because not only does it attempt to cover more genres.
Creative writing is a massive and inexact field. Telling stories by ways of poetry, short stories, novels, and other media can be c...

How do you write truly elegant code with Ruby? Ruby Best Practices is for programmers who want to use Ruby as experienced Rubyists do. Written by the developer of the Ruby project Prawn, this concise book explains how to design beautiful APIs and domain-specific languages with Ruby, as well as how to work with functional programming ideas and techn...

Vim is a console-based multi-mode (modal) text editor. It is widely used and available by default on all Unix, Linux, and Apple OS X systems. Vim has a large active community and a wide user base. The editor supports all popular programming languages, and many plugins are available to extend its features.
It is an unofficial and free Vim book cr...

Deep learning has transformed the fields of computer vision, image processing, and natural language applications. Thanks to TensorFlow.js, now JavaScript developers can build deep learning apps without relying on Python or R. Deep Learning with JavaScript shows developers how they can bring DL technology to the web. Written by the main authors of t...

This open book is intended to assist teachers, teacher trainers, curriculum designers, editors and authors of textbooks in developing strategies to teach the multiplication of natural numbers based on the experience of the Lesson Study in Japan. This approach to mathematics education dates back to the 1870s and reconciles the emphasis on problem so...

Our purpose in this book is twofold. First, we introduce the basic skill set and knowledge base used by practicing instructional designers. We do this through chapters contributed by experts in the field who have either academic, research-based backgrounds, or practical, on-the-job experience (or both). Our goal is that students in introductory ins...

Java 3D Programming steps programmers through the important design and implementation phases of developing a successful Java 3D application. The book provides invaluable guidance on whether to use Java 3D, user interface design, geometry creation, scene manipulation and final optimizations. The book does not attempt to exhaustively cover the API or...

Developing Graphics Frameworks with Python and OpenGL shows you how to create software for rendering complete three-dimensional scenes. The authors explain the foundational theoretical concepts as well as the practical programming techniques that will enable you to create your own animated and interactive computer-generated worlds. You will learn h...

Writing Guide with Handbook aligns to the goals, topics, and objectives of many first-year writing and composition courses. It is organized according to relevant genres, and focuses on the writing process, effective writing practices or strategies - including graphic organizers, writing frames, and word banks to support visual learning - and conven...

If you are interested in learning how to build and design websites, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a great place to start. This project-based tutorial series will introduce you to HTML and its methods by building a personal website using our demonstration site (below) as a model. Once you learn the basics, you will know how change the website...

Part of the AHRC/British Library Academic Book of the Future Project, this book interrogates current and emerging contexts of academic books from the perspectives of thirteen expert voices from the connected communities of publishing, academia, libraries, and bookselling....