Discover how to set up Raspberry Pi to play classic games in the brand new version of our retro gaming guide. In this 164-page book, you'll learn how to build a portable games machine, assemble a full-sized arcade cabinet, and emulate classic computers and consoles. Our step-by-step guides make each build easy! Plus you'll even learn to p...

Resilient Web Design, you might think that this is a handbook for designing robust websites. This is not a handbook. It's more like a history book.
But in the world of web design, we are mostly preoccupied with the here and now. When we think beyond our presentmoment, it is usually to contemplate the future - to imaginethe devices, features...

Complementing Who Saved the Parthenon? this companion volume sets aside more recent narratives surrounding the Athenian Acropolis, supposedly 'the very symbol of democracy itself', instead asking if we can truly access an ancient past imputed with modern meaning. And, if so, how?
In this book William St Clair presents a reconstructed u...

Nuxt.js is an open-source JavaScript library based on Vue.js. Think of it as a framework for a framework - adding two significant features to Vue.js: server-side rendering; and easy Vue.js application configuration and routing through folders and files. In Nuxt.js Succinctly, long-time Succinctly author Ed Freitas will show readers how Nuxt.js simp...

The aim of this short book is to introduce the general themes, challenges, and opportunities in the world of managing API traffic. Most of the examples and recommendations come from my own experience (or that of colleagues) while working with customers, ranging from small local startups to global enterprises.
This book is for those just getting ...

Flying machines: humans have always dreamed about flight, but with our puny arms and lack of feathers it's something we've struggled with. No more! Join us as we explore the best, cleverest and most innovative home-made flying machines. Icarus would have been proud!
- Behold: the world's first articulated print-in-place chocolate ...