This hands-on guide to hacking begins with step-by-step tutorials on hardware modifications that teach basic hacking techniques as well as essential reverse engineering skills. The book progresses into a discussion of the Xbox security mechanisms and other advanced hacking topics, with an emphasis on educating the readers on the important subjects ...

If your 3D printer is looking a little dusty and unloved, now's the time to put it to work: we've 50 of the best 3D prints to improve your home, office, workshop and more. From functional to frivolous, we've got ideas for you. It's time to unleash the awesome power of your printer!
- Oskitone: where 3D printing meets analogue...

Flying machines: humans have always dreamed about flight, but with our puny arms and lack of feathers it's something we've struggled with. No more! Join us as we explore the best, cleverest and most innovative home-made flying machines. Icarus would have been proud!
- Behold: the world's first articulated print-in-place chocolate ...

Bodging electrical components together on a breadboard is all very well, but when it comes to making a circuit permanent, you have to learn to solder. We've rounded up the best wizarding wands to give you this magical maker power.
- Vandalism done properly
- A robot that can climb stairs
- Air-powered rocketry
- Use a laser cutter to mak...

With enough inspiration, the world is your playground - that's why this issue we're bringing you 16 of the best DIY toys and games to keep boredom at bay.
- Get started with surface mount soldering
- Make Islamic-inspired geometric LED patterns
- Building an aeroplane powered by the super duper supercapacitor
- Drool over the finest...

From component choice, to packaging, to marketing, to the million other things that you need to do when you scale up production, we'll help you turn your project into a product - and along the way it'll help you be a better maker.
- Build a rocket-powered wing-wing glider out of balsa wood and 3D printed parts (it's like the space...

Raspberry Pi Pico is a new low-cost, high-performance microcontroller board with flexible digital interfaces. Microcontrollers are computers stripped back to their bare essentials. You don't use monitors or keyboards, but program them to take their input from, and send their output to the input/output pins. Using these programmable connections...

Whether you want to build robots, smart devices, or any other electronically controlled projects, this is the book you need. We take you through how to program and connect an Arduino microcontroller board, then explore some great projects to make with it.
- Build a four-legged walking robot;
- Create a Tetris-inspired clock;
- Grow your own ve...

Get even more from Raspberry Pi with the brand-new official Handbook! Over 200 pages of Raspberry Pi packed with inspirational projects, essential tutorials & guides, practical tips and definitive reviews!
Inside The Official Raspberry Pi Handbook 2022:
- QuickStart guide to setting up your Raspberry Pi computer;
- Updated with Raspberry P...

Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold. That's why repair skills are so important! This month we're talking upcycling - the art of making beautiful new projects out of old junk.
Plus: what happens when your just-for-kicks project turns out to be something that loads of people want? We talk to Timon Skerutsch, creator of the Piunora,...

We've gathered up the best bits of wearable technology from the first two years of HackSpace magazine for this amazing book. Its 164 pages are packed with step-by-step tutorials and inspirational projects to help you add a unique look to your wardrobe! Ditch the circuit board, step away from the computer: it's time to use your tech skills...

The Raspberry Pi Pico: it's tiny, it's fast, it's versatile, and even more impressively these days it's available. And now it's got even better, with the introduction of the new internet-enabled Raspberry Pi Pico W. We'll run through the capabilities of this little board, and get you started on the road to victory with...

You might think that the next big leap in 3D printing would come in the form of a pristine white box from a high-end manufacturing facility. You'd be wrong. The hot new thing in 3D printing is an open source machine you can put together yourself in your kitchen. Come with us, and find out why your next printer should be a Voron.
- Grow food...