This open book focuses on robot introspection, which has a direct impact on physical human - robot interaction and long-term autonomy, and which can benefit from autonomous anomaly monitoring and diagnosis, as well as anomaly recovery strategies. In robotics, the ability to reason, solve their own anomalies and proactively enrich owned knowledge is...

Whether you want to build robots, smart devices, or any other electronically controlled projects, this is the book you need. We take you through how to program and connect an Arduino microcontroller board, then explore some great projects to make with it.
- Build a four-legged walking robot;
- Create a Tetris-inspired clock;
- Grow your own ve...

What could be more satisfying than building a whole computer, from scratch? You might think it's impossible these days, but we've found a band of makers who are re-creating the clicky switches and flashing LEDs of a bygone age. Have a go yourself!
- Design, sustainability and ethics with Jude Pullen;
- Add much-needed safety features ...