The React Native Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The PostgreSQL Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

This book aims to teach the Python programming language using a practical approach. Its method is quite simple: after a short introduction to each topic, the reader is invited to learn more by solving the proposed exercises.
These exercises have been used extensively in my web development and distributed computing classes at the Superior School ...

Everything you wish you had known while learning to write Ember.js applications.
If you are just getting started with Ember.js, this book is perfect for you. We'll work on a real world application (not a to-do list) that will allow you to learn Ember.js and its main features while using ember-cli. Introducing Ember-Data from the first examp...

An introduction to CoffeeScript programming with an emphasis on clarity, abstraction and verification.
Smooth CoffeeScript is a free book about CoffeeScript and programming. No previous programming knowledge is required. Over 200 pages and 35 exercises....

Even connecting a few programs across a few sockets is plain nasty when you start to handle real life situations. Trillions? The cost would be unimaginable. Connecting computers is so difficult that software and services to do this is a multi-billion dollar business. So today we're still connecting applications using raw UDP and TCP, proprieta...

The Ruby on Rails Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The SQL Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The Swift Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

Go is a modern programming language built to deal with modern programming challenges, such as concurrency and compilation. Designed specifically with the web in mind, Go is an excellent language for writing web applications, specifically for web services. In his second book on Go, Mark Lewin will take you through serving, routing, connecting to a d...

Your customers demand and deserve better security and privacy in their software. This book is the first to detail a rigorous, proven methodology that measurably minimizes security bugs - the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). In this long-awaited book, security experts Michael Howard and Steve Lipner from the Microsoft Security Engineering Team ...

PicoLisp Works is a compilation of (almost) all available information about the technological gem PicoLisp - a programming language and environment that definitely deserves wider attention.
Built on the unique characteristics of Lisp (almost no syntax, code is equivalent to data), PicoLisp combines powerful abstractions with simplicity and purit...

Learning the command line can be a difficult and intimidating task, but this book is designed to be your lighthouse in the modern computational storm. Unix is a 40 year old operating system that powers the internet, your phone, and the latest scientific research. This book aims to be a gateway to the world of computer programming, providing you wit...

Get a head start evaluating Windows 10-with technical insights from award-winning journalist and Windows expert Ed Bott. This guide introduces new features and capabilities, providing a practical, high-level overview for IT professionals ready to begin deployment planning now.
The goal of this book is to help you sort out what's new in Wind...

This book is aimed at readers who are interested in software development but have very little to no prior experience. The book focuses on teaching the core principles around software development. It uses several technologies to this goal (e.g. C, Python, JavaScript, HTML, etc.) but is not a book about the technologies themselves. The reader will le...

ECMAScript (more popularly known by the name "JavaScript") is the language of the web. In the decades past, it has been used to augment web pages with trivial features and obnoxious gimmicks. Today, the language is used to write full-featured web applications that rival modern desktop software in nearly every regard and has even expanded ...

Three of CouchDB's creators show you how to use this document-oriented database as a standalone application framework or with high-volume, distributed applications. With its simple model for storing, processing, and accessing data, CouchDB is ideal for web applications that handle huge amounts of loosely structured data. That alone would stret...

This instructive book takes you step by step through ways to track, merge, and manage both open source and commercial software projects with Mercurial, using Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, and other systems. Mercurial is the easiest system to learn when it comes to distributed revision control. And it's a very flexible tool that's ide...

If you want to build your site's frontend with the single-page application (SPA) model, this hands-on book shows you how to get the job done with Backbone.js. You'll learn how to create structured JavaScript applications, using Backbone's own flavor of model-view-controller (MVC) architecture.
Start with the basics of MVC, SPA, an...

ASP.NET Core 3.1 Succinctly specifically covers the web development part of the ASP.NET Core framework, which has gone through some improvements since it was first released. In this updated e-book, Simone Chiaretta Ugo Lattanzi guide readers through the foundations of the library, cover its basic features, and cover the new version of the web appli...

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook. It is an unofficial and free React Native ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is an unofficial and free Java ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

Data in the world started to grow tremendously after mobile application came in the market. This huge amount of data became almost impossible to handle with traditional relational database - SQL. NoSQL databases are introduced to handle those data where much more flexibility came like variable number of columns for each data. MongoDB is one of the ...

JavaScript is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. It is an unofficial and free JavaScript ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

C++ is a general-purpose programming language as an extension of the C programming language, or "C with Classes". It is an unofficial and free C++ ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google. It is an unofficial and free Go book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

Bukkit is a simple API that allows for modifying the normal Minecraft multiplayer experience using plugins. It is an unofficial and free Minecraft Bukkit book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is a statistical software suite for data management, advanced analytics, multivariate analysis, business intelligence, criminal investigation, and predictive analytics.
It is an unofficial and free SAS book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is...

Bosun is an open-source monitoring and alerting system created by Stack Overflow. It has an expressive domain specific language for evaluating alerts and creating detailed notifications. It also lets you test your alerts against historical data for a faster development experience.
It is an unofficial and free Bosun book created for educational p...

While many resources for network and IT security are available, detailed knowledge regarding modern web application security has been lacking - until now. This practical guide provides both offensive and defensive security concepts that software engineers can easily learn and apply.
Andrew Hoffman, a senior security engineer at Salesforce, intro...

The way developers design, build, and run software has changed significantly with the evolution of microservices and containers. These modern architectures use new primitives that require a different set of practices than most developers, tech leads, and architects are accustomed to. With this focused guide, Bilgin Ibryam and Roland Huß from Red H...

Discover how to deliver reliable, high-performance APIs with our NGINX Real-Time API Handbook. Compiled by leading experts on real-time API management, this handbook is a comprehensive guide to reducing latency in your applications and APIs without making any compromises. Learn why now, more than ever, your APIs need to perform in real time to meet...