The fact that current compact cameras produce good (or at least, adequate) pictures in most photographic situations is at the root of this book. The main aim of the book is to show how such a camera can be operated and its controls tweaked to cover many different photographic conditions and requirements. (To put it another way, the chief goal of th...

Human beings come in all shapes and sizes, all abilities and disabilities. So why should we have to fit in with technology, when technology can so easily be changed to suit us? That's the key question that unites the projects in this issue. From joystick adaptations to prosthetic limbs, we take a look at the ways that open source hardware is m...

The Raspberry Pi Pico: it costs pennies, it's simple to program with, and it's really good at getting data in and out. In short, it's the ideal board for home projects. We've hunted high and low for the best, most innovative, most creative projects around to show off what the Pico can do. What will you build with yours?
- Dis...

What could be more satisfying than building a whole computer, from scratch? You might think it's impossible these days, but we've found a band of makers who are re-creating the clicky switches and flashing LEDs of a bygone age. Have a go yourself!
- Design, sustainability and ethics with Jude Pullen;
- Add much-needed safety features ...

The Raspberry Pi Pico: it's tiny, it's fast, it's versatile, and even more impressively these days it's available. And now it's got even better, with the introduction of the new internet-enabled Raspberry Pi Pico W. We'll run through the capabilities of this little board, and get you started on the road to victory with...

As children we were told not to play with our food. As adults, we can do whatever the heck we like. Join us this month to celebrate the joy of messing around with food, whether that's grilling cheese, making coffee, or automating the construction of tacos.
- Find things to make and do with polystyrene
- Drool over a 3D printed chocolate Je...

The Internet of Things is playground for makers. From practical projects such as pet feeders and automatic blind, to silly things like a texting pot plant, there are as many ways of connecting ordinary object to the internet as you can imagine. Let's explore!
- Meet the mom behind Geek Mom Projects
- Build a flatpack rocket
- Turn 3D prin...

Flying machines: humans have always dreamed about flight, but with our puny arms and lack of feathers it's something we've struggled with. No more! Join us as we explore the best, cleverest and most innovative home-made flying machines. Icarus would have been proud!
- Behold: the world's first articulated print-in-place chocolate ...

Bodging electrical components together on a breadboard is all very well, but when it comes to making a circuit permanent, you have to learn to solder. We've rounded up the best wizarding wands to give you this magical maker power.
- Vandalism done properly
- A robot that can climb stairs
- Air-powered rocketry
- Use a laser cutter to mak...

Discover the true potential of Raspberry Pi with the new, official Handbook 2023. With over 200 pages of amazing projects, fun tutorials, practical guides, and clear reviews, it has everything you need to master Raspberry Pi!
Inside The Official Raspberry Pi Handbook 2023
- QuickStart guide to setting up your Raspberry Pi computer
- Make stuff...