Security in software development should be a first-order requirement, but it's often implemented in projects as an afterthought. With Application Security in .NET Succinctly, author Stan Drapkin provides a refresher of .NET security practices and fills common knowledge gaps for experienced developers and novices alike. Learn about hashes, mach...

The PowerShell Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

This open access book revisits common notions on how to select and recruit the right employees. It reveals that the secret of successful individuals and teams lies in a combination of talent and four important performance indicators, offering an innovative approach that companies can fruitfully adopt. Bas Kodden has studied key performance indicato...

An experienced programmer accumulates a set of tools, tricks, and techniques to make his or her programs better. C++ Hacker's Guide collects more than 120 of the best C++ veteran secrets and puts them in one accessible place. The techniques presented have all been used in actual programs, and more importantly, have made actual programs better....

How do you write truly elegant code with Ruby? Ruby Best Practices is for programmers who want to use Ruby as experienced Rubyists do. Written by the developer of the Ruby project Prawn, this concise book explains how to design beautiful APIs and domain-specific languages with Ruby, as well as how to work with functional programming ideas and techn...

Books about Oxford have generally focused on the University rather than the city. This original book on the local politics of Oxford City from 1830 to 1980 is based on a comprehensive analysis of primary sources and tells the story of the city's progressive politics. The book traces this history from Chartism and electoral reform in the mid-ni...

Do alliances curb efforts by states to develop nuclear weapons? Atomic Assurance looks at what makes alliances sufficiently credible to prevent nuclear proliferation; how alliances can break down and so encourage nuclear proliferation; and whether security guarantors like the United States can use alliance ties to end the nuclear efforts of their a...

This open book presents a topical, comprehensive and differentiated analysis of Germany's public administration and reforms. It provides an overview on key elements of German public administration at the federal, Länder and local levels of government as well as on current reform activities of the public sector. It examines the key institution...

This open book highlights the major outcomes of the fourth edition of the Future of Higher Education - Bologna Process Researchers Conference (January 2020), which has already established itself as a landmark in the European higher education environment. The conference provides a unique forum for dialogue between researchers, experts and policy mak...

This open book provides an accessible introduction to the mechanics of international development and global health text for policy-makers and students across a wide range of disciplines. Antimicrobial resistance is a major threat to the well-being of patients and health systems the world over. In fragile health systems so challenged, on a day-today...

Do you know that an empowering word can spark ideas, open doors, change attitudes, and create solutions?
Words can do all these things and much more. They have the potency to redefine personalities, lives, and entire communities. Just think of some of the things words are used for every day:
- To communicate a message
- To express a feeling

When you've graduated from breadboards and jumper wires it's time to tackle electronics the way the pros do it: by making your own PCBs! We'll take you from beginner to slightly more experienced beginner, with a guide to designing, debugging and manufacturing your own custom electronic creation.
- Learn the secrets of the guitaris...

Defend Dissent is an introduction to cryptography paired with the social impacts of surveillance and the protective potential of encryption, with a focus on US social movements. Each chapter ends with a story that brings social context to the material - from surveillance used against contemporary US protests to the African National Congress's ...

Containers change how developers build, test, and deploy code. Adopting them takes time. Using them the wrong way can slow down your delivery process.
But you don't have a team of engineers to dedicate to this like Spotify or Netflix do. Maybe you're a startup CTO with features to ship - you can't spend hundreds of hours on intern...

Vienna, the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but in a world in which the First World War did not take place: a man disappears. Ludwig Pechstein, of the Pechstein Security and Investigations Agency, is asked to investigate, The trail leads to gruesome secret chemical warfare research programmes, a land commune in Switzerland, smugglers of ava...

As technology has developed, computer hackers have become increasingly sophisticated, mastering the ability to hack into even the most impenetrable systems. The best way to secure a system is to understand the tools hackers use and know how to circumvent them. Defense against the Black Arts: How Hackers Do What They Do and How to Protect against It...

The first ever Code Club book is here! With it, you'll learn how to code using Scratch, the block-based programming language. In each chapter you'll find instructions to build cool games, animations, and interactive stories. Your friendly robot guide will aid you step-by-step through each project and give you handy tips along the way.

Linux crash analysis - this is a subject that has lots of unanswered mail threads and plain text documents scattered all over the place, inaccessible to almost everyone, save the tiny percentage of super geeks.
My personal and professional interest in the last three years has taken me down the path of Linux kernel secrets, all the way into assem...

In this magisterial book, William St Clair unfolds the history of the Parthenon throughout the modern era to the present day, with special emphasis on the period before, during, and after the Greek War of Independence of 1821 - 32. Focusing particularly on the question of who saved the Parthenon from destruction during this conflict, with the help ...

This book is designed as an introduction to containers and Kubernetes by way of Node.js. Containers are the basis for distributed, repeatable workflows with orchestrators such as Kubernetes, and they allow developers and operators to develop applications consistently across environments and deploy in a repeatable and predictable fashion.
The exa...

Since the revival of maggot therapy in Western wound care approximately thirty years ago, there has been no comprehensive synthesis of what is known about its clinical practice, supply chain management, and social dimensions. This edited volume fills the information vacuum and, importantly, makes the current state of knowledge freely accessible. It...

Microservices architectures introduce several benefits to the application development and delivery process. Microservices-based apps are easier to build, test, maintain, and scale. They also reduce downtime through better fault isolation.
While container-based microservices apps have profoundly changed the way DevOps teams deploy applications, t...