If you've designed your SQL code intelligently and implemented a sensible indexing strategy, there's a good chance your queries will "fly", when tested in isolation. In the real world, however, where multiple processes can access the same data at the same time, SQL Server often has to make one process wait, sacrificing concurren...

This book explores if and how Russian policies towards the Far East region of the country – and East Asia more broadly – have changed since the onset of the Ukraine crisis and Russia's annexation of Crimea. Following the 2014 annexation and the subsequent enactment of a sanctions regime against the country, the Kremlin has emphasized the e...

The SQL Server 2016 In-Memory OLTP engine (a.k.a. Hekaton) is designed to exploit terabytes of available memory and high numbers of processing cores. It allows us to work with memory-optimized tables and indexes, and natively compiled stored procedures, in addition to the disk-based tables and indexes, and T-SQL stored procedures, that SQL Server h...

The Excel VBA Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The Microsoft SQL Server Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The Oracle Database Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The SQL Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. It is an unofficial and free Microsoft SQL Server ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

Bootstrap is a HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework used to create websites that are created using a mobile-first paradigm as well as responsive web design (RWD). It uses a combination of premade CSS classes and JavaScript to make a variety of things on the web. It includes things such as a custom, responsive grid that allows websites to be viewed i...

EPPlus is a .NET library that reads and writes Excel files using the Office Open XML format (xlsx). It is an unofficial and free .NET EPPlus book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

Flutter made quite the impact when it landed in the cross-platform mobile framework landscape. Developed by Google, open source, targeting iOS and Android, smooth animations and motion, platform awareness, hot reload - the list of highlights goes on and on, demonstrating why Flutter is a worth any mobile developer's attention. In Flutter UI Su...

This book highlights Singapore's development into a city in which water and greenery, along with associated environmental, technical, social and political aspects have been harnessed and cultivated into a liveable sustainable way of life. It is also a story about a unique and thoroughgoing approach to large-scale and potentially transferable w...

The data you encounter in the real world is usually easier to think of as objects or documents than as the tables and rows required by a standard RDBMS. RavenDB, a modern document-oriented database written in .NET, requires no schema to be declared and enables developers to work with data more naturally. RavenDB applications are high-performance, l...

If you understand basic mathematics and know how to program with Python, you're ready to dive into signal processing. While most resources start with theory to teach this complex subject, this practical book introduces techniques by showing you how they're applied in the real world. In the first chapter alone, you'll be able to decom...

For the right use case, relational databases are powerful tools.
But today's users are asking for more than an RDBMS can handle. More features, more data, more speed and - most importantly - more connections.
This ebook introduces you - the RDBMS developer - to a new technology that leverages data connections like never before: the graph...

This free book provides a comparative perspective on capital punishment in Japan and the United States. Alongside the US, Japan is one of only a few developed democracies in the world which retains capital punishment and continues to carry out executions on a regular basis. There are some similarities between the two systems of capital punishment b...

Modeling and simulation are powerful tools for explaining the world, making predictions, designing things that work, and making them work better. Learning to use these tools can be difficult; this book is my attempt to make the experience as enjoyable and productive as possible.
By reading this book - and working on the exercises - you will lear...

Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) are a significant and valuable addition to the DBA's troubleshooting armory, laying bare previously unavailable information regarding the under-the-covers activity of your database sessions and transactions.
Why, then, aren't all DBAs using them? Why do many DBAs continue to ignore them in favour of &quo...

Resilient T-SQL code is code that is designed to last, and to be safely reused by others. The goal of defensive database programming, the goal of this book, is to help you to produce resilient T-SQL code that robustly and gracefully handles cases of unintended use, and is resilient to common changes to the database environment.
Too often as deve...

Modern appliances are complex machines with processors, operating systems, and application software. While there are books that will tell you how to run Linux on embedded hardware, and books on how to build a Linux application, Linux Appliance Design is the first book to demonstrate how to merge the two and create a Linux appliance. You'll see...

Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T Bell Labs created C++ in the mid 1980s. C++ is an extension of the programming language C, a product of AT&T Bell Labs from the early 1970s. C was developed to write the Unix operating system, and C is widely used for systems-level software and embedded systems development.
C++ initially provided object-oriented...

A First Course in Linear Algebra, originally by K. Kuttler, as a first course for the general students who have an understanding of basic high school algebra and intend to be users of linear algebra methods in their profession, from business & economics to science students.
All major topics of linear algebra are available in detail, as well ...

Linear Algebra with Applications by W. Keith Nicholson, traditionally published for many years is now being released as an open educational resource.
Overall, the aim of the book is to achieve a balance among computational skills, theory, and applications of linear algebra. It is a relatively advanced introduction to the ideas and techniques of ...

Database Design, 2nd Edition covers database systems and database design concepts. New to this edition are SQL info, additional examples, key terms and review exercises at the end of each chapter.
Topics include:The history of databases; Characteristics and benefits of databases; Data models; Data modelling; Classification of database management...

This free book, or really a "coursebook" for a college freshman-level class, has been updated for Spring 2014 and provides an introduction to programming and problem solving using both Matlab and Mathcad. We provide a balanced selection of introductory exercises and real-world problems (i.e. no "contrived" problems). We include ...

D3 Tips and Tricks is a book written to help those who may be unfamiliar with JavaScript or web page creation get started turning information into visualization.
Data is the new medium of choice for telling a story or presenting compelling information on the Internet and d3.js is an extraordinary framework for presentation of data on a web page....

In this book, you'll discover how to perform each of these backup and restore operations using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), basic T-SQL scripts and Redgate's SQL Backup tool. Capturing backups using SSMS or simple scripts is perfectly fine for one-off backup operations, but any backups that form part of the recovery strategy for a...

This book offers a comprehensive and readable introduction to modern business and data analytics. It is based on the use of Excel, a tool that virtually all students and professionals have access to. The explanations are focused on understanding the techniques and their proper application, and are supplemented by a wealth of in-chapter and end-of-c...

This book develops the essential tools of linear algebra, with the goal of imparting technique alongside contextual understanding. Applications go hand-in-hand with theory, each reinforcing and explaining the other. This approach encourages students to develop not only the technical proficiency needed to go on to further study, but an appreciation ...

This book helps students to master the material of a standard US undergraduate first course in Linear Algebra.
The material is standard in that the subjects covered are Gaussian reduction, vector spaces, linear maps, determinants, and eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Another standard is book's audience: sophomores or juniors, usually with a ba...

The C Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The Hibernate Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....