This collection of essays from world-renowned scholar Hans Walter Gabler contains writings from a decade and a half of retirement spent exploring textual criticism, genetic criticism, and literary criticism. In these sixteen stimulating contributions, he develops theories of textual criticism and editing that are inflected by our advance into the d...

This new and expanded edition is intended to help candidates prepare for entrance examinations in mathematics and scientific subjects, including STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper). STEP is an examination used by Cambridge Colleges for conditional offers in mathematics. They are also used by some other UK universities and many mathematics departmen...

This open book presents selected papers from International Symposium on Mathematics, Quantum Theory, and Cryptography (MQC), which was held on September 25-27, 2019 in Fukuoka, Japan. The international symposium MQC addresses the mathematics and quantum theory underlying secure modeling of the post quantum cryptography including e.g. mathematical s...

Types are the central organizing principle of the theory of programming languages. Language features are manifestations of type structure. The syntax of a language is governed by the constructs that define its types, and its semantics is determined by the interactions among those constructs. The soundness of a language design - the absence of ill-d...

The purpose of the book is to give a thorough introduction to the methods of model theory for first order logic. Model theory is the branch of logic that deals with mathematical structures and the formal languages they interpret. First order logic is the most important formal language and its model theory is a rich and interesting subject with sign...

The issue "Mathematical Logic and Its Applications 2020" contains articles related to the following three directions:
I. Descriptive Set Theory (3 articles). Solutions for long-standing problems, including those of A. Tarski and H. Friedman, are presented.
II. Exact combinatorial optimization algorithms, in which the complexity rela...

This book examines the evolution of the relationship between taxpayers and their states in Sweden, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Romania, and asks why tax compliance is so much higher in some countries than others. The book shows that successful states have built strong administrative capacities, tax citizens fairly and equitabl...

With Kubernetes came many new concepts, particularly around networking and traffic management. Alongside these new concepts were entirely new classes of tools, designed for ephemeral, containerized, and distributed application deployments. In particular, Ingress controllers and service meshes did not exist prior to the Kubernetes era. Nor were Laye...

This open book is an introduction to algebra for undergraduates who are interested in careers which require a strong background in mathematics. It will benefit students studying computer science and physical sciences, who plan to teach mathematics in schools, or to work in industry or finance. The book assumes that the reader has a solid background...

Lecture notes for the Yale Computer Science course CPSC 469/569 Randomized Algorithms. Suitable for use as a supplementary text for an introductory graduate or advanced undergraduate course on randomized algorithms. Discusses tools from probability theory, including random variables and expectations, union bound arguments, concentration bounds, app...

It is increasingly clear that the shapes of reality - whether of the natural world, or of the built environment - are in some profound sense mathematical. Therefore it would benefit students and educated adults to understand what makes mathematics itself 'tick', and to appreciate why its shapes, patterns and formulae provide us with preci...

This course is organized around algorithmic issues that arise in machine learning. Modern machine learning systems are often built on top of algorithms that do not have provable guarantees, and it is the subject of debate when and why they work. In this class, we focus on designing algorithms whose performance we can rigorously analyze for fundamen...

Geometry with an Introduction to Cosmic Topology approaches geometry through the lens of questions that have ignited the imagination of stargazers since antiquity. What is the shape of the universe? Does the universe have an edge? Is it infinitely big?
This text develops non-Euclidean geometry and geometry on surfaces at a level appropriate for ...

Blockchain For Dummies, 2nd IBM Limited Edition, equips you with an understanding of what blockchain is, how it works, and how it can enhance your business and the industry in which it operates. You learn the fundamentals of blockchain and how this technology revolutionizes transactions and business networks. You also discover the important differe...