It's not yet Christmas, but we come bearing glad tidings: the supply of Raspberry Pis available to hobbyists is starting to come back to normal. To celebrate, we're exploring 20 of the best hardware projects you can build with a Raspberry Pi - whether that's large or small, simple or complex, useful or not-so-useful.
- Keep your p...

APIs are such a critical part of software that "API-first" has become a popular approach to development, one where the API is designed before the app itself is written. Without a well-designed API, your app is isolated from the greater app ecosystem. In ASP.NET Core APIs Succinctly, author Dirk Strauss guides you through designing your ow...

This book is aimed at managers, business owners, marketing managers, and aspiring social media marketing interns and managers. I will assume that however accomplished in your own field - baker, developer, teacher and that even as successful business owners, you approach the topic of social media marketing as a beginner. Even if you are an avid pers...

Understanding the music industry as it exists today requires an understanding of how it developed over time. Today's music industry would most certainly not be the one anybody would design from scratch. It has many inefficiencies and quirks that reflect the economic pressures and musical concerns of bygone ages.
The history of music is clos...

In ASP.NET Core 6 Succinctly, author Dirk Strauss guides web developers through some of the significant performance and feature improvements newly available in ASP.NET Core 6. Learn about the unmissable practicality of Hot Reload, explore super-helpful C# 10 features, pick up the essentials of how to build a minimal API, and discover how and why de...