Computer ScienceScience & MathematicsEconomics & FinanceBusiness & ManagementPolitics & GovernmentHistoryPhilosophy
C++ Hacker's Guide
An experienced programmer accumulates a set of tools, tricks, and techniques to make his or her programs better. C++ Hacker's Guide collects more than 120 of the best C++ veteran secrets and puts them in one accessible place. The techniques presented have all been used in actual programs, and more importantly, have made actual programs better....
Version Control with Subversion
Written by members of the development team that maintains Subversion, this is the official guide and reference manual for the popular open source revision control technology. The new edition covers Subversion 1.7 with a complete introduction and guided tour of its capabilities, along with best practice recommendations. Version Control with Subve...
97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know
In this truly unique technical book, today's leading software architects present valuable principles on key development issues that go way beyond technology. More than four dozen architects - including Neal Ford, Michael Nygard, and Bill de hOra - offer advice for communicating with stakeholders, eliminating complexity, empowering developers, ...
Learning C#
C# is a general-purpose, modern and object-oriented programming language pronounced as "C sharp". It is an unofficial and free C# ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....
Learning iOS
iOS is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple. It is an unofficial and free iOS book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....
Learning Regular Expressions
A regular expression (regex or regexp) is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. It is an unofficial and free Regular Expressions book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....
Learning Minecraft Bukkit
Bukkit is a simple API that allows for modifying the normal Minecraft multiplayer experience using plugins. It is an unofficial and free Minecraft Bukkit book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....
NGINX Unit Cookbook
Alongside its popular web server, NGINX provides a dynamic application server that supports configuration through a RESTful JSON API. The open source NGINX Unit server deploys configuration changes without service disruptions and runs apps built with multiple languages and frameworks. This updated cookbook shows developers, DevOps personnel, networ...
Text Genetics in Literary Modernism and Other Essays
This collection of essays from world-renowned scholar Hans Walter Gabler contains writings from a decade and a half of retirement spent exploring textual criticism, genetic criticism, and literary criticism. In these sixteen stimulating contributions, he develops theories of textual criticism and editing that are inflected by our advance into the d...
Test-Driven Development with Python
By taking you through the development of a real web application from beginning to end, this hands-on guide demonstrates the practical advantages of test-driven development (TDD) with Python. You'll learn how to write and run tests before building each part of your app, and then develop the minimum amount of code required to pass those tests. T...
How To Code in Go
This book is designed to introduce you to writing programs with the Go programming language. You'll learn how to write useful tools and applications that can run on remote servers, or local Windows, macOS, and Linux systems for development. The topics that it covers include how to: - Install and set up a local Go development environment on...
Acoustemologies in Contact
In this fascinating collection of essays, an international group of scholars explores the sonic consequences of transcultural contact in the early modern period. They examine how cultural configurations of sound impacted communication, comprehension, and the categorisation of people. Addressing questions of identity, difference, sound, and subjecti...
The Linux Commands Handbook
The Linux Commands Handbook follows the 80/20 rule: learn in 20% of the time the 80% of a topic. The author find this approach gives a well-rounded overview. This book does not try to cover everything under the sun related to Linux and its commands. It focuses on the small core commands that you will use the 80% or 90% of the time, trying to sim...
The Atheist's Bible
'Love is harder to explain than hunger, for a piece of fruit does not feel the desire to be eaten': Denis Diderot's Éléments de physiologie presents a world in flux, turning on the relationship between man, matter and mind. In this late work, Diderot delves playfully into the relationship between bodily sensation, emotion and perce...
XcalableMP PGAS Programming Language
XcalableMP is a directive-based parallel programming language based on Fortran and C, supporting a Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model for distributed memory parallel systems. This open book presents XcalableMP language from its programming model and basic concept to the experience and performance of applications described in XcalableMP.�...
The Node.js Handbook
Node.js is built on top of the Google Chrome V8 JavaScript engine, and it's mainly used to create web servers - but it's not limited to that. The Node.js Handbook follows the 80/20 rule: learn in 20% of the time the 80% of a topic. The author find this approach gives a well-rounded overview....
The React Beginner's Handbook
The React Beginner's Handbook follows the 80/20 rule: learn in 20% of the time the 80% of a topic. The author find this approach gives a well-rounded overview. This book does not try to cover everything under the sun related to React. It focuses on the core of the language, trying to simplify the more complex topics. The author hopes the co...
Learning Vue.js
Vue.js is an open-source MVVM (model-view-viewmodel) front end JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It is an unofficial and free Vue.js ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overfl...
The C Programming Language Handbook
C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system. The C Programming Language Handbook follows the 80/20 rule: learn in 20% of the time the 80% of a topic. In particular, the goal is to get you up to speed quickly with C....
Building Modern Web Applications With Spring Boot and Vaadin
This guide is a practical introduction to web application development with Spring Boot and Vaadin. It covers the entire development process, from setup to deployment, following a step-by-step approach. You can replicate each section at your own pace as you follow along. The content is suitable for anyone familiar with Java who wants to build ...
The Tiny Book of Rules
The Tiny Book of Rulesis tiny and it's about the Rules module for Drupal. Rules is a module usually used to auto-mate actions on your Drupal site. Rules can react on events occurring on your site - such as a user logging in or a node being created - and perform customized follow-up actions such as redirecting to a certain page or setting fi...
A Functional Pattern System for Object-Oriented Design
This book integrates the vital areas of object-orientation, functional programming, design patterns, and language design. The most important concepts from functional programming are captured with six design patterns: FUNCTION OBJECTS (Black-box behaviour parameterisation) LAZY OBJECTS (Evaluation-by-need semantics) VALUE OBJECTS (Immutable values) ...
HackSpace Magazine: Issue 50
Machine learning used to be the preserve of university research departments with money to burn on high-power, high-cost kit - but not any more! Thanks to a new breed of affordable dev boards, anyone can get in on the act at pocket money prices. We've trawled the makersphere for the best, most creative machine learning projects to show just wha...
Can Music Make You Sick?
It is often assumed that creative people are prone to psychological instability, and that this explains apparent associations between cultural production and mental health problems. In their detailed study of recording and performing artists in the British music industry, Sally Anne Gross and George Musgrave turn this view on its head. By liste...
Piracy in World History
In a modern global historical context, scholars have often regarded piracy as an essentially European concept which was inappropriately applied by the expanding European powers to the rest of the world, mainly for the purpose of furthering colonial forms of domination in the economic, political, military, legal and cultural spheres. By contrast, th...
Presto: The Definitive Guide
Perform fast interactive analytics against different data sources using the Presto high-performance, distributed SQL query engine. With this practical guide, you'll learn how to conduct analytics on data where it lives, whether it's Hive, Cassandra, a relational database, or a proprietary data store. Analysts, software engineers, and prod...
Ansible Succinctly
Ansible is an open-source software, automation engine, and automation language mainly used in software configuration management, infrastructure provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, and orchestration. The core Ansible is written in Python and can be used on Unix-like machines or Microsoft Windows. In Ansible Succinctly, Zo...
Beej's Guide to C Programming
This is an intro to C for folks who already know how to program in another language. The first half of the book is written in a tutorial style, while the second half is a reference section complete with examples (inspired by the incomparable Turbo C Bible). The goal is to keep this up-to-date with the latest C standards. This guide assumes that ...
From Containers to Kubernetes with Node.js
This book is designed as an introduction to containers and Kubernetes by way of Node.js. Containers are the basis for distributed, repeatable workflows with orchestrators such as Kubernetes, and they allow developers and operators to develop applications consistently across environments and deploy in a repeatable and predictable fashion. The exa...
Becoming a Scholar
Becoming a Scholar provides a window into the lives of nine non-traditional doctoral students. As mature, part-time, international students enrolled in a professional doctorate programme, they reflect on the transformation process of becoming scholars, and their narratives provide breadth and depth to themes that represent a diverse cross-section o...
Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication has many implications for us in the real world. Did you know that interpersonal communication played an important role in human evolution? Early humans who lived in groups, rather than alone, were more likely to survive, which meant that those with the capability to develop interpersonal bonds were more likely to pass th...
The Path to Funding
Based on coursework developed at Peabody Conservatory, this book breaks down the process of developing an artist mission statement, generating new ideas for creative projects, and creating an engaging project description. It also covers methods for artists to identify their audience, generate a comprehensive project budget, collect compelling work ...

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