The Perl Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The PHP Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The book heavily leans on examples to present features of sed as well as regular expressions one by one. It is recommended that you manually type each example and experiment with them. Understanding both the nature of sample input string and the output produced is essential.
You should have prior experience working with command line and bash she...

The book heavily leans on examples to present features of grep as well as regular expressions one by one. It is recommended that you manually type each example and experiment with them. Understanding both the nature of sample input string and the output produced is essential.
You should have prior experience working with command line and bash sh...

Web development is an evolving amalgamation of languages that work in concert to receive, modify, and deliver information between parties using the Internet as a mechanism of delivery.
While it is easy to describe conceptually, implementation is accompanied by an overwhelming variety of languages, platforms, templates, frameworks, guidelines, and ...

The utility simply known as make is one of the most enduring features of both Unix and other operating systems. First invented in the 1970s, make still turns up to this day as the central engine in most programming projects; it even builds the Linux kernel. In the third edition of the classic Managing Projects with GNU make, readers will learn why ...

PHP is a widely-used open source programming language. It is especially suited for web development. The unique thing about PHP is that it serves both beginners as well as experienced developers. It has a low barrier to entry so it is easy to get started with, and at the same time, it provides advanced features offered in other programming languages...

Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is an unofficial and free Java ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

C++ is a general-purpose programming language as an extension of the C programming language, or "C with Classes". It is an unofficial and free C++ ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is an unofficial and free R ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

This is a teaching material about object-oriented programming, illustrated with use of the programming language C#.
It is assumed, as a prerequisite, that the readers have some knowledge about imperative programming, preferably knowledge about C.
I believe that it is best to learn object-oriented programming after having learned and worked w...

Node.js is built on top of the Google Chrome V8 JavaScript engine, and it's mainly used to create web servers - but it's not limited to that.
The Node.js Handbook follows the 80/20 rule: learn in 20% of the time the 80% of a topic. The author find this approach gives a well-rounded overview....

Functional and flexible, this guide takes an objects-first approach to Java programming and problem using games and puzzles. Offers independent introductions to both a command-line interface and a graphical user interface (GUI). Features coverage of Unified Modeling Language (UML), the industry-standard, object-oriented design tool. Illustrates key...

JavaScript is the de facto programming language of the web, but the language itself does not include any built-in method for working with input/output (I/O), such as graphics display and sound. Instead, the web browser provides an API for accessing the HTML document in a tree structure known as the Document Object Model (DOM). The combination of Ja...

Raspberry Pi Pico is a new low-cost, high-performance microcontroller board with flexible digital interfaces. Microcontrollers are computers stripped back to their bare essentials. You don't use monitors or keyboards, but program them to take their input from, and send their output to the input/output pins. Using these programmable connections...

This guide aims to aid people interested in learning to work with BASH. It aspires to teach good practice techniques for using BASH, and writing simple scripts.
This guide is targeted at beginning users. It assumes no advanced knowledge - just the ability to login to a Unix-like system and open a command-line (terminal) interface. It will help i...

This open book aims to provide novice programmers solid foundation of basic knowledge regardless of the programming language. This book covers the fundamentals of programming that have not changed significantly over the last 10 years. Educational content was developed by an authoritative author team led by Svetlin Nakov from the Software University...

What could be more satisfying than building a whole computer, from scratch? You might think it's impossible these days, but we've found a band of makers who are re-creating the clicky switches and flashing LEDs of a bygone age. Have a go yourself!
- Design, sustainability and ethics with Jude Pullen;
- Add much-needed safety features ...

This is an intro to C for folks who already know how to program in another language. The first half of the book is written in a tutorial style, while the second half is a reference section complete with examples (inspired by the incomparable Turbo C Bible). The goal is to keep this up-to-date with the latest C standards.
This guide assumes that ...

An introduction to the engineering principles of embedded systems, with a focus on modeling, design, and analysis of cyber-physical systems.
The most visible use of computers and software is processing information for human consumption. The vast majority of computers in use, however, are much less visible. They run the engine, brakes, seatbelts,...

This book is based on the idea that there is a particular framework used by economists to interpret observed reality. This framework has been called the economic way of thinking, the economic approach, and the method of economics.
This book is different from the many other books that attempt to teach microeconomics in three ways:
- It explicitl...

Pro Git, 2nd Edition is your fully-updated guide to Git and its usage in the modern world. Git has come a long way since it was first developed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development. It has taken the open source world by storm since its inception in 2005, and this book teaches you how to use it like a pro.
Effective and well-implemented v...

This book describes in vitro and ex vivo models that can be employed to investigate effects of digested food products on the GIT, or specific components thereof. Many such models exist and include, for example, those used to study digestion and fermentation in the small and large intestine, to investigate absorption (e.g. Ussing chamber, epithelial...

This book is a step-by-step introduction on how shell scripting can help solve many of the data processing tasks that Health and Life specialists face everyday with minimal software dependencies. The examples presented in the book show how simple command line tools can be used and combined to retrieve data and text from web resources, to filter and...

The 3rd edition of this indispensable book in radio interferometry provides extensive updates to the 2nd edition, including results and technical advances from the past decade; discussion of arrays that now span the full range of the radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum observable from the ground, 10 MHz to 1 THz; an analysis of factors that ...

This open access work presents selected results from the European research and innovation project IMPROVE which yielded novel data-based solutions to enhance machine reliability and efficiency in the fields of simulation and optimization, condition monitoring, alarm management, and quality prediction.
Prof. Dr. Oliver Niggemann is Professor for Ar...

It covers aspects of unsupervised machine learning used for knowledge discovery in data science and introduces a data-driven approach to cluster analysis, the Databionic swarm(DBS). DBS consists of the 3D landscape visualization and clustering of data. The 3D landscape enables 3D printing of high-dimensional data structures.The clustering and numbe...

This book offers comprehensive coverage on Ordered Fuzzy Numbers, providing readers with both the basic information and the necessary expertise to use them in a variety of real-world applications. The respective chapters, written by leading researchers, discuss the main techniques and applications, together with the advantages and shortcomings of t...

This book demystifies the models we use to simulate present and future climates, allowing readers to better understand how to use climate model results. In order to predict the future trajectory of the Earth's climate, climate-system simulation models are necessary. When and how do we trust climate model predictions? The book offers a framewor...

This book presents theoretical framework and sample applications of variant construction. The first part includes the components variant logic, variant measurements, and variant maps, while the second part covers sample applications such as variation with functions, variant stream ciphers, quantum interference, classical/quantum random sequences, w...

Quantitative models are omnipresent - but often controversially discussed - in todays risk management practice. New regulations, innovative financial products, and advances in valuation techniques provide a continuous flow of challenging problems for financial engineers and risk managers alike. Designing a sound stochastic model requires findin...

Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Architecture and Tools: The Guide for Application Developers provides developers a comprehensive introduction and in-depth look at the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor architecture and the corresponding parallel data structure tools and algorithms used in the various technical computing applications for which it is suitable. It...