The corporate market is now embracing free, "open source" software like never before, as evidenced by the recent success of the technologies underlying LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). Each is the result of a publicly collaborative process among numerous developers who volunteer their time and energy to create better software.

Originally developed for mainframes but highly portable across platforms-from servers to desktops to handhelds-Rexx is an easy yet powerful scripting language that's widely used for rapid application development.
Covers Rexx interpreters for specialized functions-object-oriented, mainframe, and handheld.
There are 8 different free Rexx i...

This hands-on guide to hacking begins with step-by-step tutorials on hardware modifications that teach basic hacking techniques as well as essential reverse engineering skills. The book progresses into a discussion of the Xbox security mechanisms and other advanced hacking topics, with an emphasis on educating the readers on the important subjects ...

Computers are everywhere. We all need to learn how to use them, and many of us use them every day. But how do they work? How do they think? And how can people write software that is fast and easy to use? Computer science is a fascinating subject that explores these very questions. The easy and fun activities in this book, designed for studentren of...

There are many books that teach beginners how to write secret messages using ciphers. There are a couple books that teach beginners how to hack ciphers. As far as I can tell, there are no books to teach beginners how to write programs to hack ciphers. This book fills that gap.
This book is for complete beginners who do not know anything about en...

The dramatic change in the price and accessibility of data demands a new focus on data analytic literacy. This book is intended for use by people who perform regular data analyses. It aims to give a brief summary of the key ideas, practices, and pitfalls of modern data analysis. One goal is to summarize in a succinct way the most common difficultie...

This biography examines the long life of the traveller and author Stephen Graham. Graham walked across large parts of the Tsarist Empire in the years before 1917, describing his adventures in a series of books and articles that helped to shape attitudes towards Russia in Britain and the United States. In later years he travelled widely across Europ...

Principles of Microeconomics is an adaptation of the textbook, Microeconomics: Markets, Methods, and Models by D. Curtis and I. Irvine, which provides concise yet complete coverage of introductory microeconomic theory, application and policy in a Canadian and global environment.
This adaptation employs methods that use equations sparingly and do...

A First Course in Linear Algebra, originally by K. Kuttler, as a first course for the general students who have an understanding of basic high school algebra and intend to be users of linear algebra methods in their profession, from business & economics to science students.
All major topics of linear algebra are available in detail, as well ...

The Little Book of Semaphores is a free textbook that introduces the principles of synchronization for concurrent programming.
In most computer science curricula, synchronization is a module in an Operating Systems class. OS textbooks present a standard set of problems with a standard set of solutions, but most students don't get a good und...

The Linux Command Line takes you from your very first terminal keystrokes to writing full programs in Bash, the most popular Linux shell (or command line). Along the way you'll learn the timeless skills handed down by generations of experienced, mouse-shunning gurus: file navigation, environment configuration, command chaining, pattern matchin...

Take pictures and shoot video with your Raspberry Pi. Connecting a High Quality Camera or Camera Module turns your favourite credit-card-sized computer into a powerful digital camera. Learn how to set up and control the camera to capture stills and video footage. Discover the numerous modes and effects available, and use the camera in a variety of ...

This 3rd edition of the highly successful book, acclaimed for its comprehensiveness, accuracy, and excellent illustrations and photographs now comes with updated coverage plus numerous didactical improvements:The number of figures has notably increased, with about one third of them now presented in color. More photographs and schematics make it eas...

This textbook presents fundamental machine learning concepts in an easy to understand manner by providing practical advice, using straightforward examples, and offering engaging discussions of relevant applications. The main topics include Bayesian classifiers, nearest-neighbor classifiers, linear and polynomial classifiers, decision trees, neural ...

Focusing on recent advances in analytical techniques, this third edition of Andrew Duchowski’s successful guide has been revised and extended. It includes new chapters on calibration accuracy, precision and correction; advanced eye movement analysis; binocular eye movement analysis; practical gaze analytics; eye movement synthesis. Eye Tracking ...

This textbook examines a wide range of humanitarian action issues in five parts, presented by specialists from different academic fields. The respective parts reflect the five core modules of the International NOHA Joint Master’s Programme “International Humanitarian Action”: a) World Politics, b) International Law, c) Public Health, d) Anthr...

This book covers the entire Business Process Management (BPM) lifecycle, from process identification to process monitoring, covering along the way process modelling, analysis, redesign and automation. Concepts, methods and tools from business management, computer science and industrial engineering are blended into one comprehensive and inter-discip...

This book covers both classical and modern models in deep learning. The chapters of this book span three categories:
The basics of neural networks: Many traditional machine learning models can be understood as special cases of neural networks. An emphasis is placed in the first two chapters on understanding the relationship between traditional mac...

This book presents a general multi-objective optimization framework for optimizing chemical processes by implementing a link between process simulators and metaheuristic techniques. The proposed approach is general and shows how to implement links between different process simulators such as Aspen Plus, HYSIS, Super Pro Designer linked to a variety...

This book considers all aspects of managing the complexity of Multimedia Big Data Computing (MMBD) for IoT applications and develops a comprehensive taxonomy. It also discusses a process model that addresses a number of research challenges associated with MMBD, such as scalability, accessibility, reliability, heterogeneity, and Quality of Service (...

The revised 2nd edition of this book provides the reader with a solid foundation in probability theory and statistics as applied to the physical sciences, engineering and related fields. It covers a broad range of numerical and analytical methods that are essential for the correct analysis of scientific data, including probability theory, distribut...

This book develops the essential tools of linear algebra, with the goal of imparting technique alongside contextual understanding. Applications go hand-in-hand with theory, each reinforcing and explaining the other. This approach encourages students to develop not only the technical proficiency needed to go on to further study, but an appreciation ...

This book is aimed at computer science undergraduates late in sophomore or early in junior year, supplying a comprehensive background in qualitative and quantitative data analysis, probability, random variables, and statistical methods, including machine learning.With careful treatment of topics that fill the curricular needs for the course, Probab...

A deep learning is of great interest these days, the crucial necessity for rapid and optimized implementation of the algorithms and designing architectures is the software environment. TensorFlow is designed to facilitate this goal. The strong advantage of TensorFlow is it flexibility is designing highly modular model which also can be a disadvanta...

"DevOps" is creating a lot of anxiety amongst the IT professionals of the world. It's also causing a bit of a boom for technology marketing people, who in turn are making the whole concept confusing for businesses and professionals alike.
This is an effort to set the record straight for someone who might be feeling a little vague ...

The Algorithms Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The C Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The C++ Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The C# Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The Java Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

Extremely versatile and popular among developers, Python is a good general-purpose language that can be used in a variety of applications. For those with an understanding of English, Python is a very humanreadable programming language, allowing for quick comprehension. Because Python supports multiple styles including scripting and object-oriented ...

Cryptography is an indispensable tool used to protect information in computing systems. It is used everywhere and by billions of people worldwide on a daily basis. It is used to protect data at rest and data in motion. Cryptographic systems are an integral part of standard protocols, most notably the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, making ...