Each chapter comprises a separate study on some optimization problem giving both an introductory look into the theory the problem comes from and some new developments invented by author(s). Usually some elementary knowledge is assumed, yet all the required facts are quoted mostly in examples, remarks or theorems....

Lift is designed to make powerful techniques easily accessible, while keeping the overall framework simple and flexible. Lift makes it fun to develop because it lets you focus on the interesting parts of coding.
For those of you have experience with other web frameworks such as Struts, Tapestry, Rails, et cetera, you must be asking yourself, &qu...

Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Sixth Edition, explores the key principles of computer networking, using real world examples from network and protocol design. Using the Internet as the primary example, this best-selling classic textbook explains various protocols and networking technologies. The systems-oriented approach encourages students ...

The purpose of this book is to give you a thorough introduction to competitive programming. It is assumed that you already know the basics of programming, but no previous background in competitive programming is needed.
The book is especially intended for students who want to learn algorithms and possibly participate in the International Olympi...

Network and System Administration usually refers only to the traditional skills and recipes for keeping computers and networks running properly. But, in truth, this view omits the most important part of the system: humans. The skill needed to comprehend and tame systems comprising both humans and machines is that of managing complexity. In this boo...

This book provides an algorithmic perspective to autonomous robotics to students with a sophomore-level of linear algebra and probability theory. Robotics is an emerging field at the intersection of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science. With computers becoming more powerful, making robots smart is getting more and mo...

Use of redundant servers has long been a solution for meeting sudden spikes in demand, machine failures, and outages. Cloud services greatly reduce the cost and hassle of provisioning redundant equipment and load balancers and give you the ability to deal with separate network, application, and client-side loads. But today there are many options to...

When you start building your first containerized application, you're excited about the capabilities and opportunities you encounter: it runs the same in dev and in prod, it's straightforward to put together a container image using Docker, and the distribution is taken care of by a container registry.
So, you're satisfied with how ...

Is Kubernetes ready for stateful workloads? This open source system has become the primary platform for deploying and managing cloud native applications. But because it was originally designed for stateless workloads, working with data on Kubernetes has been challenging. If you want to avoid the inefficiencies and duplicative costs of having separa...

Erlang is the result of a project at Ericsson's Computer Science Laboratory to improve the programming of telecommunication applications. A critical requirement was supporting the characteristics of such applications, that include: massive concurrency, fault-tolerance, isolation, dynamic code upgrading at runtime, transactions.
Throughout t...

In this book we discuss several numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations. We emphasize the aspects that play an important role in practical problems. We confine ourselves to ordinary differential equations with the exception of the last chapter in which we discuss the heat equation, a parabolic partial differential equation. T...