The Python Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

Suppose you sit down at your computer to check your email. One of the messages includes an attached document, which you are to edit. You click the attachment, and it opens up in another window. After you start editing the document, you realize you need to leave for a trip. You save the document in its partially edited state and shut down the comput...

This open proceedings presents a good overview of the current research landscape of industrial robots.The objective of MHI Colloquium is the successful networking at both academic and management level. Thereby, the colloquium focuses an academic exchange at a high level in order to distribute the obtained research results, to determine synergy effe...

This book is an excellent synthesis of the initial and continuing preparation for Mathematics Teaching in Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru, from which comparative analyses can be made that show similarities and differences, and highlight various perspectives.
In February 2016, the 5th Capacity and Networking Project (CANP) workshop of the Inter...

Get a head start evaluating Windows 10-with technical insights from award-winning journalist and Windows expert Ed Bott. This guide introduces new features and capabilities, providing a practical, high-level overview for IT professionals ready to begin deployment planning now.
The goal of this book is to help you sort out what's new in Wind...

Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is an unofficial and free Java ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

C# is a general-purpose, modern and object-oriented programming language pronounced as "C sharp". It is an unofficial and free C# ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

More than 100 Azure services offer everything you need to build and run your applications with all the performance, redundancy, security, and scale that the cloud has to offer. But knowing where to begin with all these services can seem overwhelming.
Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches, 2nd Edition, is a tutorial on writing, deploying, and running...

Node.js is a popular open-source runtime environment that can execute JavaScript outside of the browser. The Node runtime is commonly used for back-end web development, leveraging its asynchronous capabilities to create networking applications and web servers. Node is also a popular choice for building command line tools.
In this book, you will ...

Express is a Node.js Web Framework. Node.js is an amazing tool for building networking services and applications. Express builds on top of its features to provide easy to use functionality that satisfy the needs of the Web Server use case.
The Express Handbook follows the 80/20 rule: learn in 20% of the time the 80% of a topic. The author find t...

In this book, you'll find information about a set of libraries developed within the Apache Commons (also referred to as "Commons"). Commons is a set of small, popular components which forms a Top-level Project at the Apache Software Foundation. Ranging from the elementary to the complex, many would consider some of these libraries in...

Functional and flexible, this guide takes an objects-first approach to Java programming and problem using games and puzzles. Offers independent introductions to both a command-line interface and a graphical user interface (GUI). Features coverage of Unified Modeling Language (UML), the industry-standard, object-oriented design tool. Illustrates key...

The command line is a text interface for your computer. It's a program that takes in commands, which it passes on to the computer's operating system to run.
Linux command line for you and me is a open book for newcomers to command line environment....

Planning to build a microservice-driven cloud native application or looking to modernize existing application services? Consider using a service mesh. A service mesh approach can help you create robust and scalable applications, but it also introduces new challenges. This updated report answers common questions regarding service mesh architectures ...

With Kubernetes came many new concepts, particularly around networking and traffic management. Alongside these new concepts were entirely new classes of tools, designed for ephemeral, containerized, and distributed application deployments. In particular, Ingress controllers and service meshes did not exist prior to the Kubernetes era. Nor were Laye...

As technology has developed, computer hackers have become increasingly sophisticated, mastering the ability to hack into even the most impenetrable systems. The best way to secure a system is to understand the tools hackers use and know how to circumvent them. Defense against the Black Arts: How Hackers Do What They Do and How to Protect against It...

Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Sixth Edition, explores the key principles of computer networking, using real world examples from network and protocol design. Using the Internet as the primary example, this best-selling classic textbook explains various protocols and networking technologies. The systems-oriented approach encourages students ...

Back in the mid 90s, Beej got tired of all his friends asking him how to do this stuff with networking programming in C, so he put pen to paper on the early World Wide Web and wrote down everything he knew just to get them off his back. Since then, the Guide has expanded significantly, with plenty of examples, and covers IPv6. Inside you'll fi...

An introduction to the engineering principles of embedded systems, with a focus on modeling, design, and analysis of cyber-physical systems.
The most visible use of computers and software is processing information for human consumption. The vast majority of computers in use, however, are much less visible. They run the engine, brakes, seatbelts,...

Microservices architectures introduce several benefits to the application development and delivery process. Microservices-based apps are easier to build, test, maintain, and scale. They also reduce downtime through better fault isolation.
While container-based microservices apps have profoundly changed the way DevOps teams deploy applications, t...

Hacking games requires a unique combination of reversing, memory management, networking, and security skills. Even as ethical hacking has exploded in popularity, game hacking still occupies a very small niche in the wider security community. While it may not have the same headline appeal as a Chrome 0day or a massive data leak, the unique feeling o...