Even the best programmers make mistakes, and experienced programmer Mike Pirnat has made his share during 15+ years with Python. Some have been simple and silly; others were embarrassing and downright costly. In this O'Reilly report, he dissects some of his most memorable blunders, peeling them back layer-by-layer to reveal just what went wron...

Coronavirus - there's a new word you might have heard. You might hear people talking about it or you might hear it on the news. This word is the reason that you're not going to school. It is the reason you can't go outside very often or visit your friends. It might be the reason why the grown-up or grown-ups who look after you are at...

Neural networks are a powerful tool for developers, but harnessing them can be a challenge. With Keras Succinctly, author James McCaffrey introduces Keras, an open-source, neural network library designed specifically to make working with backend neural network tools easier....

This book will introduce the main concepts required to write a 3D game using the LWJGL 3 library.
LWJGL is a Java library that provides access to native APIs used in the development of graphics (OpenGL), audio (OpenAL) and parallel computing (OpenCL) applications. This library leverages the high performance of native OpenGL applications while us...

Today we are witnessing an increased use of data visualization in society. Across domains such as work, education and the news, various forms of graphs, charts and maps are used to explain, convince and tell stories. In an era in which more and more data are produced and circulated digitally, and digital tools make visualization production increasi...

In problem solving, as in street fighting, rules are for fools: do whatever works - don't just stand there! Yet we often fear an unjustified leap even though it may land us on a correct result. Traditional mathematics teaching is largely about solving exactly stated problems exactly, yet life often hands us partly defined problems needing only...

Microsoft's HoloLens applications exist in the ever-expanding realm of mixed reality. In HoloLens Succinctly, author Lars Klint guides readers into the various segments of this augmented world, outlining the architecture of HoloLens apps, exploring code and design issues, and offering step-by-step instruction on inputting data so that users ca...

Microsoft CNTK (Cognitive Toolkit, formerly Computational Network Toolkit), an open source code framework, enables you to create feed-forward neural network time series prediction systems, convolutional neural network image classifiers, and other deep learning systems. In Introduction to CNTK Succinctly, author James McCaffrey offers instruction on...

This book introduces the use of Docker focusing on best usage practices, based on the 12factor methodology.
This preliminary version of the book focuses on the basic knowledge of Docker. It starts by briefly explaining the infrastructure of the solution, through its architecture, installation, basic commands, understanding and construction of im...

A cultural change in the Renaissance freed talented European writers to compose letters rivalling the finest that survived from ancient Rome. This book traces the lives and outlooks of distinguished Britons as revealed in their correspondence. The subjects range from the fierce satirist Jonathan Swift to the long-lived, all-observing Horace Walpole...

Inferring and Explaining is a book in practical epistemology. It examines the notion of evidence and assumes that good evidence is the essence of rational thinking. Evidence is the cornerstone of the natural, social, and behavioral sciences. But it is equally central to almost all academic pursuits and, perhaps most importantly, to the basic need t...

This insightful collection of essays explores the ways in which open education can democratise access to education for all. It is a rich resource that offers both research and case studies to relate the application of open technologies and approaches in education settings around the world.
Global in perspective, this book argues strongly for the...

The Internet Myth retraces and challenges the myth laying at the foundations of the network ideologies - the idea that networks, by themselves, are the main agents of social, economic, political and cultural change. By comparing and integrating different sources related to network histories, this book emphasizes how a dominant narrative has extensi...

The internet has fundamentally transformed society in the past 25 years, yet existing theories of mass or interpersonal communication do not work well in understanding a digital world. Nor has this understanding been helped by disciplinary specialization and a continual focus on the latest innovations. Ralph Schroeder takes a longer-term view, synt...

The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology first opened its doors in 1915, and since then has attracted visitors from all over the world as well as providing valuable teaching resources. Named after its founder, the pioneering archaeologist Flinders Petrie, the Museum holds more than 80,000 objects and is one of the largest and finest collections o...

Happiness and Utility brings together experts on utilitarianism to explore the concept of happiness within the utilitarian tradition, situating it in earlier eighteenth-century thinkers and working through some of its developments at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. Drawing on a range of philosophical and historic...

Drawing Futures brings together international designers and artists for speculations in contemporary drawing for art and architecture.
Despite numerous developments in technological manufacture and computational design that provide new grounds for designers, the act of drawing still plays a central role as a vehicle for speculation. There is a r...

If you've toyed with Linux and never really caught on to what's happening or have used a graphical interface without really touching the command line this book is for you.
The idea is to get you started on the process of using some of the commands available in Linux so that you: Feel comfortable running commands; You understand a littl...

Entity Framework is Microsoft's flagship Object/Relation Mapper, and the recommended way to access relational databases. Entity Framework Core is a complete rewrite from the "classic" Entity Framework, building on the new multiplatform .NET Core framework and adding the ability to connect to nonrelational data sources while keeping t...

Power BI is a cloud-based business analytics service that gives us a single view of the most critical business data. A tool for creating live dashboards and rich, interactive reports, Power BI allows access to data for monitoring the health of a business. Pierstefano Tucci will take readers through the Power BI interface, query creation, publishing...

Security in software development should be a first-order requirement, but it's often implemented in projects as an afterthought. With Application Security in .NET Succinctly, author Stan Drapkin provides a refresher of .NET security practices and fills common knowledge gaps for experienced developers and novices alike. Learn about hashes, mach...

Taking advantage of WebHooks is something that many developers want to achieve, but many struggle to find a starting point. In ASP.NET WebHooks Succinctly, Gaurav Arora guides readers through the necessary skills and processes to get started....

The Oracle Database Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The Objective-C Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

Everything you wish you had known while learning to write Ember.js applications.
If you are just getting started with Ember.js, this book is perfect for you. We'll work on a real world application (not a to-do list) that will allow you to learn Ember.js and its main features while using ember-cli. Introducing Ember-Data from the first examp...

There are plenty of books that teach introductory data structures. Some of them are very good. Most of them cost money, and the vast majority of computer science undergraduate students will shell out at least some cash on a data structures book.
Open Data Structures (in C++) - The goal of this project is to free undergraduate computer science stud...

There are plenty of books that teach introductory data structures. Some of them are very good. Most of them cost money, and the vast majority of computer science undergraduate students will shell out at least some cash on a data structures book.
Open Data Structures (in Java) - The goal of this book is to free undergraduate computer science stud...

This is an optimization manual for advanced C++ programmers. This book are not for beginners.
Topics include:
- The choice of platform and operating system.
- Choice of compiler and framework.
- Finding performance bottlenecks.
- The efficiency of different C++ constructs.
- Multi-core systems.
- Parallelization with vector operations.
- CPU dispa...

Most creative writing textbooks cover the three popular categories of literature: poetry, nonfiction, and fiction. This textbook is different in two ways, then, because not only does it attempt to cover more genres.
Creative writing is a massive and inexact field. Telling stories by ways of poetry, short stories, novels, and other media can be c...

Silicon Valley is the world's most successful innovation region. Apple, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Uber, and Airbnb changed our way of living. Silicon Valley has built a brilliant ecosystem that supports startups. Its entrepreneurial mindset fosters risk-taking, thinking big, and sharing.
A fast growing number of accele...

Software has become a key component of contemporary life and algorithmic techniques that rank, classify, or recommend anything that fits into digital form are everywhere. This book approaches the field of information ordering conceptually as well as historically. Building on the philosophy of Gilbert Simondon and the cultural techniques tradition, ...

Even connecting a few programs across a few sockets is plain nasty when you start to handle real life situations. Trillions? The cost would be unimaginable. Connecting computers is so difficult that software and services to do this is a multi-billion dollar business. So today we're still connecting applications using raw UDP and TCP, proprieta...