This book presents computer programming as a key method for solving mathematical problems. There are two versions of the book, one for MATLAB and one for Python. The book was inspired by the Springer book TCSE 6: A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (by Langtangen), but the style is more accessible and concise, in keeping with the needs o...

This free book, or really a "coursebook" for a college freshman-level class, has been updated for Spring 2014 and provides an introduction to programming and problem solving using both Matlab and Mathcad. We provide a balanced selection of introductory exercises and real-world problems (i.e. no "contrived" problems). We include ...

The MATLAB Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

This Open Access textbook provides students and researchers in the life sciences with essential practical information on how to quantitatively analyze data images. It refrains from focusing on theory, and instead uses practical examples and step-by step protocols to familiarize readers with the most commonly used image processing and analysis platf...

The 6th edition of Structural Dynamics: Theory and Computation is the complete and comprehensive text in the field. It presents modern methods of analysis and techniques adaptable to computer programming clearly and easily. The book is ideal as a text for advanced undergraduates or graduate students taking a first course in structural dynamics. It ...

This easy-to-follow textbook/reference presents a concise introduction to mathematical analysis from an algorithmic point of view, with a particular focus on applications of analysis and aspects of mathematical modelling. The text describes the mathematical theory alongside the basic concepts and methods of numerical analysis, enriched by computer ...

This book presents a general multi-objective optimization framework for optimizing chemical processes by implementing a link between process simulators and metaheuristic techniques. The proposed approach is general and shows how to implement links between different process simulators such as Aspen Plus, HYSIS, Super Pro Designer linked to a variety...

This is an image processing textbook with a difference. Instead of just a picture gallery of before-and-after images, we provide (on the accompanying website) MATLAB programs (.m files) and images (.mat files) for each of the examples. These allow the reader to experiment with various parameters, such as noise strength, and see their effect on the ...

Modeling and simulation are powerful tools for explaining the world, making predictions, designing things that work, and making them work better. Learning to use these tools can be difficult; this book is my attempt to make the experience as enjoyable and productive as possible.
By reading this book - and working on the exercises - you will lear...

This textbook explores reactive power control and voltage stability and explains how they relate to different forms of power generation and transmission. Bringing together international experts in this field, it includes chapters on electric power analysis, design and operational strategies. The book explains fundamental concepts before moving on t...

This book summarises a number of core ideas relevant to Computational Engineering and Scientific Computing using Python. The emphasis is on introducing some basic Python (programming) concepts that are relevant for numerical algorithms. The later chapters touch upon numerical libraries such as numpy and scipy each of which deserves much more space ...

This book is a a discussion of the calculation of specific formulas in finance. The field of finance has seen a rapid development in recent years, with increasing mathematical sophistication. While the formalization of the field can be traced back to the work of Markowitz (1952) on investors mean-variance decisions and Modigliani and Miller (1958) ...

This book shows how to use sensitivity analysis in demography. It presents new methods for individuals, cohorts, and populations, with applications to humans, other animals, and plants. The analyses are based on matrix formulations of age-classified, stage-classified, and multistate population models. Methods are presented for linear and nonlinear,...

This book presents computer programming as a key method for solving mathematical problems. There are two versions of the book, one for MATLAB and one for Python. The book was inspired by the Springer book TCSE 6: A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (by Langtangen), but the style is more accessible and concise, in keeping with the needs o...

Designed for those wishing to study mathematics beyond linear algebra but unready for abstract material, this "invitation" to the excitement of dynamical systems appeals to readers from a wide range of backgrounds. Rather than taking a theorem-proof-corollary-remark approach, it stresses geometry and intuition. Topics include both the cla...

Matplotlib is a plotting library for Python. It provides object-oriented APIs for embedding plots into applications. It is similar to MATLAB in capacity and syntax.
It is an unofficial and free Python Matplotlib book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardwor...

In this book we discuss several numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations. We emphasize the aspects that play an important role in practical problems. We confine ourselves to ordinary differential equations with the exception of the last chapter in which we discuss the heat equation, a parabolic partial differential equation. T...