This book has been designed for a first course on digital design for engineering and computer science students. It offers an extensive introduction on fundamental theories, from Boolean algebra and binary arithmetic to sequential networks and finite state machines, together with the essential tools to design and simulate systems composed of a contr...

This book provides a global, chronological mapping of significant areas of theatre, sketched from its deepest history in the evolution of our brain's 'inner theatre' to ancient, medieval, modern, and postmodern developments. It considers prehistoric cave art and built temples, African trance dances, ancient Egyptian and Middle-Easter...

This easy-to-follow textbook/reference presents a concise introduction to mathematical analysis from an algorithmic point of view, with a particular focus on applications of analysis and aspects of mathematical modelling. The text describes the mathematical theory alongside the basic concepts and methods of numerical analysis, enriched by computer ...

This book covers both classical and modern models in deep learning. The chapters of this book span three categories:
The basics of neural networks: Many traditional machine learning models can be understood as special cases of neural networks. An emphasis is placed in the first two chapters on understanding the relationship between traditional mac...

This title meets a great demand for training in spatial analysis tools accessible to a wide audience. Landscape ecology continues to grow as an exciting discipline with much to offer for solving pressing and emerging problems in environmental science. Much of the strength of landscape ecology lies in its ability to address challenges over large are...

The Entity Framework Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The Haskell Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The Hibernate Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The Java Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The JavaScript Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

The Little Go Book is a free introduction to Google's Go programming language. It's aimed at developers who might not be quite comfortable with the idea of pointers and static typing. It's longer than the other Little books, but hopefully still captures that little feeling....

Microsoft's HoloLens applications exist in the ever-expanding realm of mixed reality. In HoloLens Succinctly, author Lars Klint guides readers into the various segments of this augmented world, outlining the architecture of HoloLens apps, exploring code and design issues, and offering step-by-step instruction on inputting data so that users ca...

If you want a basic understanding of computer vision's underlying theory and algorithms, this hands-on introduction is the ideal place to start. You'll learn techniques for object recognition, 3D reconstruction, stereo imaging, augmented reality, and other computer vision applications as you follow clear examples written in Python.

Entity Framework is Microsoft's flagship Object/Relation Mapper, and the recommended way to access relational databases. Entity Framework Core is a complete rewrite from the "classic" Entity Framework, building on the new multiplatform .NET Core framework and adding the ability to connect to nonrelational data sources while keeping t...

The goals of this textbook are to help students acquire the technical skills of using software and managing a database, and develop research skills of collecting data, analyzing information and presenting results. We emphasize that the need to investigate the potential and practicality of GIS technologies in a typical planning setting and evaluate ...

Three of CouchDB's creators show you how to use this document-oriented database as a standalone application framework or with high-volume, distributed applications. With its simple model for storing, processing, and accessing data, CouchDB is ideal for web applications that handle huge amounts of loosely structured data. That alone would stret...

Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is an unofficial and free Java ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

JavaScript is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. It is an unofficial and free JavaScript ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

Haskell is a general-purpose, statically typed, purely functional programming language with type inference and lazy evaluation. It is an unofficial and free Haskell book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google. It is an unofficial and free Go book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow....

Vim is a console-based multi-mode (modal) text editor. It is widely used and available by default on all Unix, Linux, and Apple OS X systems. Vim has a large active community and a wide user base. The editor supports all popular programming languages, and many plugins are available to extend its features.
It is an unofficial and free Vim book cr...

This book makes JavaScript less challenging to learn for newcomers, by offering a modern view that is as consistent as possible.
- Get started quickly, by initially focusing on modern features.
- Test-driven exercises and quizzes available for most chapters.
- Covers all essential features of JavaScript, up to and including ES2020...

Learn and use Python and PyGame to design and build cool arcade games. In Program Arcade Games: With Python and PyGame, 4th Edition, Dr. Paul Vincent Craven teaches you how to create fun and simple quiz games; integrate and start using graphics; animate graphics; integrate and use game controllers; add sound and bit-mapped graphics; and build grid-...

This book is designed to introduce you to writing programs with the Go programming language. You'll learn how to write useful tools and applications that can run on remote servers, or local Windows, macOS, and Linux systems for development.
The topics that it covers include how to:
- Install and set up a local Go development environment on...

This open access book is the first published guide about how to analyse data produced by the EQ-5D, one of the most widely used Patient Reported Outcomes questionnaires world wide. The authors provide practical, clear and comprehensive guidance in five concise chapters. Following an overview of the EQ-5D and its analysis, we describe how the questi...

Little did Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and other 'gentlemen scientists' know, when they were making their scientific discoveries, that some centuries later they would inspire a new field of scientific practice and innovation, called citizen science. The current growth and availability of citizen science projects and relevant applications...

The purpose of the book is to give a thorough introduction to the methods of model theory for first order logic. Model theory is the branch of logic that deals with mathematical structures and the formal languages they interpret. First order logic is the most important formal language and its model theory is a rich and interesting subject with sign...

If your job involves working with data in any manner, you cannot afford to ignore the R revolution! If your domain is called data analysis, analytics, informatics, data science, reporting, business intelligence, data management, big data, or visualization, you just have to learn R as this programming language is a game-changing sledgehammer.

Lift is designed to make powerful techniques easily accessible, while keeping the overall framework simple and flexible. Lift makes it fun to develop because it lets you focus on the interesting parts of coding.
For those of you have experience with other web frameworks such as Struts, Tapestry, Rails, et cetera, you must be asking yourself, &qu...

This workbook was designed for the Introduction to Archaeology (ANTH 2339) class in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Texas at Arlington. It was created to provide exercises that supplement and expand on topics and issues raised in lecture. For each major topic, students complete exercises that serve a range of functions; ...

When you combine the sheer scale and range of digital information now available with a journalist's "nose for news" and her ability to tell a compelling story, a new world of possibility opens up. With The Data Journalism Handbook, you'll explore the potential, limits, and applied uses of this new and fascinating field.
This ...

This book offers a comprehensive guide, covering every important aspect of computational thinking education. It provides an in-depth discussion of computational thinking, including the notion of perceiving computational thinking practices as ways of mapping models from the abstraction of data and process structures to natural phenomena. Further, it...