Computer ScienceScience & MathematicsEconomics & FinanceBusiness & ManagementPolitics & GovernmentHistoryPhilosophy
Automatic Control with Experiments
This book presents theory and practice in the context of automatic control education. It presents the relevant theory in the first eight chapters,applying them later on to the control of several real plants. Each plant is studied following a uniform procedure: a) the plant’s functionis described, b) a mathematical model is obtained, c) plant cons...
Philosophy of Race
Philosophy of Race: An Introduction provides plainly written access to a new subfield that has been in the background of philosophy since Plato and Aristotle. Part I provides an overview of ideas of race and ethnicity in the philosophical canon, egalitarian traditions, race in biology, and race in American and Continental Philosophy. Part II addres...
Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with VHDL
This textbook introduces readers to the fundamental hardware used in modern computers. The only pre-requisite is algebra, so it can be taken by college freshman or sophomore students or even used in Advanced Placement courses in high school. This book presents both the classical approach to digital system design (i.e., pen and paper) in addition ...
This book introduces readers to robotics, industrial robot mechanisms, and types of robots, e.g. parallel robots, mobile robots and humanoid robots. The book is based on over 20 years of teaching robotics and has been extensively class tested and praised for its simplicity.It addresses the following subjects: a general introduction to robotics; bas...
Problems in Classical Electromagnetism
This book contains 157 problems in classical electromagnetism, most of them new and original compared to those found in other textbooks. Each problem is presented with a title in order to highlight its inspiration in different areas of physics or technology, so that the book is also a survey of historical discoveries and applications of classical e...
Research Methods for the Digital Humanities
This volume introduces the reader to the wide range of methods that digital humanities employ, and offers a practical guide to the study, interpretation, and presentation of cultural material and practices. In this instance, the editors consider digital humanities to include both the use of computing to understand cultural material in new ways, and...
An Anthology of London in Literature, 1558-1914
This book is an anthology of extracts of literary writing (in prose, verse and drama) about London and its diverse inhabitants, taken from the accession of Queen Elizabeth I in 1558 to the outbreak of the Great War in 1914. The 143 extracts, divided into four periods (1558-1659, 1660-1780, 1781-1870 and 1871-1914), range from about 250 words to 2,5...
Multimedia Big Data Computing for IoT Applications
This book considers all aspects of managing the complexity of Multimedia Big Data Computing (MMBD) for IoT applications and develops a comprehensive taxonomy. It also discusses a process model that addresses a number of research challenges associated with MMBD, such as scalability, accessibility, reliability, heterogeneity, and Quality of Service (...
Building Energy Modeling with OpenStudio
This book teaches the fundamentals of building energy modeling and analysis using open source example applications built with the US DOE's OpenStudio modeling platform and EnergyPlus simulation engine. Designed by researchers at US National Laboratories to support a new generation of high performance buildings, EnergyPlus and OpenStudio are re...
Probability and Statistics for Computer Science
This book is aimed at computer science undergraduates late in sophomore or early in junior year, supplying a comprehensive background in qualitative and quantitative data analysis, probability, random variables, and statistical methods, including machine learning.With careful treatment of topics that fill the curricular needs for the course, Probab...
Managing Media and Digital Organizations
What does it take for success in the media business? Creativity, innovation, and performance, of course. Plus experience and good judgment. However, it also requires an understanding of the principles and tools of management. This book summarizes the major dimensions of a business school curriculum and applies them to the entire media, media-tech, ...
Teaching Medicine and Medical Ethics Using Popular Culture
This book demonstrates how popular culture can be successfully incorporated into medical and health science curriculums, capitalising on the opportunity fictional media presents to humanise case studies. Studies show that the vast majority of medical and nursing students watch popular medical television dramas and comedies such as Grey’s Anatomy,...
Containerized Docker Application Lifecycle with Microsoft Platform and Tools
This book provides end-to-end guidance on the Docker application development lifecycle with Microsoft tools and services while providing an introduction to Docker development concepts for readers who might be new to the Docker ecosystem. This way, anyone can understand the global picture and start planning development projects based on Docker and M...
Case Studies in Infrastructure Change Management
The Infrastructure Change Management (ICM) program at Google drives migrations, deprecations, and other large-scale infrastructure changes. Case studies in this book explore how infrastructure change projects are managed at Google. From these case studies, we'll provide insight into lessons learned from these different approaches, and provide ...
Algorithms are the lifeblood of computer science. They are the machines that proofs build and the music that programs play. Their history is as old as mathematics itself. This book is a wide-ranging, idiosyncratic treatise on the design and analysis of algorithms, covering several fundamental techniques, with an emphasis on intuition and the proble...
TensorFlow Roadmap
A deep learning is of great interest these days, the crucial necessity for rapid and optimized implementation of the algorithms and designing architectures is the software environment. TensorFlow is designed to facilitate this goal. The strong advantage of TensorFlow is it flexibility is designing highly modular model which also can be a disadvanta...
Intelligence Unleashed
This book on artificial intelligence in education (AIEd) with two aims in mind. The first was to explain to a non-specialist, interested reader what AIEd is: its goals, how it is built, and how it works. After all, only by securing a certain degree of understanding can we move beyond the science-fiction imagery of AI, and the associated fears. The ...
Introducing Windows Server 2016
Windows Server has powered a generation of organizations, from small businesses to large enterprises. No matter what your role in IT, you can be guaranteed you that have touched Windows Server at some point in your career or at very least you have seen it from afar! This book introduces you to Windows Server 2016, which is the next version of Windo...
Data Science with Microsoft SQL Server 2016
R is one of the most popular, powerful data analytics languages and environments in use by data scientists. Actionable business data is often stored in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), and one of the most widely used RDBMS is Microsoft SQL Server. Much more than a database server, it's a rich ecostructure with advanced analytic ...
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning, one of the most active research areas in artificial intelligence, is a computational approach to learning whereby an agent tries to maximize the total amount of reward it receives while interacting with a complex, uncertain environment. In Reinforcement Learning, Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto provide a clear and simple acc...
iOS Developer Notes for Professionals
The iOS Developer Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....
App Modernization on Azure Succinctly
What's the right way to move existing applications to the cloud to better use its power while enabling new features? In App Modernization on Azure Succinctly, Lorenzo Barbieri will help you understand how to modernize existing apps without completely rewriting them. This ebook will guide you through moving your app to the cloud, refactoring, r...
Azure Cognitive Services Succinctly
Azure Cognitive Services puts the power of AI and machine learning into the hands of software developers without requiring a PhD or years of experience in the field. With Azure Cognitive Services Succinctly, author Ed Freitas delivers an accessible guide to integrating computer vision, decision-making, speech, and more into your applications to giv...
MSIX Succinctly
MSIX, the packaging format introduced in Windows 10, is the perfect starting point to move your desktop applications forward. In MSIX Succinctly, IT pros can learn how to use MSIX to repackage their apps using the modern format, build modification packages, and utilize the Package Support Framework to change the logic of an app without changing its...
Windows 10 IT Pro Essentials: Top 10 Tools
Dive in to Windows 10 with award-winning journalist and Windows Expert Ed Bott in this highly curated free eBook covering the top apps, accessories, and utilities included in the box with Windows 10. The sheer volume of Windows programs and accessories says a lot about the power and complexity of Windows - a fact that every IT pro knows from fir...
Java Notes for Professionals
The Java Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....
Enterprise Cloud Strategy
Enterprise Cloud Strategy - Guidance for enterprises looking for proven methods to take their application portfolio to the cloud. What if you were able to achieve both efficiency and innovation in all business domains and applications across your entire portfolio? What if you could take advantage of the cloud and all of its resources and feature...
The DSC Book
Learn everything you need to know about Microsoft's Desired State Configuration, a management platform in Windows PowerShell. The DSC Book is designed to help you understand how DSC works, and how you can use it in a variety of scenarios....
Using .NET Core, Docker, and Kubernetes Succinctly
Terms like container and Docker, unknown to Microsoft programmers until now, have recently become essential in technical discussions about the development, distribution, and management of our applications. Containers can solve some of programmers' everyday problems, but a challenge with them is managing their lifecycles and the communication a...
Crypto 101
Crypto 101 is an introductory course on cryptography, freely available for programmers of all ages and skill levels. Learn how to exploit common cryptographic flaws, armed with nothing but a little time and your favorite programming language. Forge administrator cookies, recover passwords, and even backdoor your own random number generator....
A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography
Cryptography is an indispensable tool used to protect information in computing systems. It is used everywhere and by billions of people worldwide on a daily basis. It is used to protect data at rest and data in motion. Cryptographic systems are an integral part of standard protocols, most notably the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, making ...
Elixir Succinctly
Author Emanuele DelBono guides readers along the first steps of mastering the Elixir programming language in Elixir Succinctly. Providing a brief overview of Elixir's history and purpose and clear instructions to create an app with Elixir, DelBono makes it easy for developers who wish to add a new language to their repertoire....

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