This book explores the development, trends and research of library and information sciences (LIS) in the digital age. Inside, readers will find research and case studies written by LIS experts, educators and theorists, most of whom have visited China, delivered presentations there and drafted their articles based on feedback they received. As a res...

This book is a modern guide for all C++ programmers to learn Threading Building Blocks (TBB). Written by TBB and parallel programming experts, this book reflects their collective decades of experience in developing and teaching parallel programming with TBB, offering their insights in an approachable manner. Throughout the book the authors present ...

In a world where new technologies are being developed at a dizzying pace, how can we best approach oral genres that represent heritage? Taking an innovative and interdisciplinary approach, this volume explores the idea of sharing as a model to construct and disseminate the knowledge of literary heritage with the people who are represented by and in...

If you want to build your site's frontend with the single-page application (SPA) model, this hands-on book shows you how to get the job done with Backbone.js. You'll learn how to create structured JavaScript applications, using Backbone's own flavor of model-view-controller (MVC) architecture.
Start with the basics of MVC, SPA, an...

The ASP.NET Core SignalR library is open source and allows developers to simplify adding real-time web functionality to applications. This means that the server-side code can instantly push content to connected clients. In Real-Time ASP.NET Core 3 Apps with SignalR Succinctly, Dirk Strauss will show you how to use it to create a chat application wi...

Part of the AHRC/British Library Academic Book of the Future Project, this book interrogates current and emerging contexts of academic books from the perspectives of thirteen expert voices from the connected communities of publishing, academia, libraries, and bookselling....

This open access Pivot book is a comparative study of six early colonial public libraries in nineteenth-century Australia, South Africa, and Southeast Asia. Drawing on networked conceptualisations of empire, transnational frameworks, and 'new imperial history' paradigms that privilege imbricated colonial and metropolitan 'intercultur...

The book offers a concise guide for librarians, helping them understand the challenges, processes and technologies involved in managing access to online resources. After an introduction the book presents cases of general authentication and authorisation. It helps readers understand web based authentication and provides the fundamentals of IP addres...

If you're looking to access and make sense of all your data in real time, there's a more cost-effective and efficient way than using expensive commercial tool suites. In this O'Reilly report, Sam Newman from ThoughtWorks describes several small, freely available open source tools and frameworks for freeing data locked up in silos and...

This is a must-read how-to guide if you are planning to embark on a scholarly digitisation project. Tailored to the specifications of the British Library's EAP (Endangered Archives Programme) projects, it is full of sound, practical advice about planning and carrying out a successful digitisation project in potentially challenging conditions.

Even if you are an absolute beginner, this book will teach you all you need to know to write simple programs in C and start creating GUIs.
The first half of the book is an introduction to C, and covers the basics of writing simple command-line programs. The second half shows how to use the GTK user interface toolkit with C to create feature-rich...

The Android Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

Modern C focuses on the new and unique features of modern C programming. The book is based on the latest C standards and offers an up-to-date perspective on this tried-and-true language.
C is extraordinarily modern for a 50-year-old programming language. Whether you're writing embedded code, low-level system routines, or high-performance ap...

This book will introduce the main concepts required to write a 3D game using the LWJGL 3 library.
LWJGL is a Java library that provides access to native APIs used in the development of graphics (OpenGL), audio (OpenAL) and parallel computing (OpenCL) applications. This library leverages the high performance of native OpenGL applications while us...

When processing text files, the awk language is ideal for handling data extraction, reporting, and data-reformatting jobs. This practical guide serves as both a reference and tutorial for POSIX-standard awk and for the GNU implementation, called gawk. This book is useful for novices and awk experts alike.
In this thoroughly revised 5th edition, ...

The Ionic framework is an open-source SDK built on top of Angular, integrating with Apache Cordova, and programmed using mostly Typescript and the JSON data format. It is used to build cross-platform mobile apps and Progressive Web Apps with ease, using familiar web technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. In Ionic Succinctly, Ed Freitas takes ...

This tutorial introduces libelf, a library for reading and writing object code in the Extensible Linking Format (ELF) file format.
- Getting started with libelf: obtaining a handle to an ELF object, establishing a working ELF version, and handling errors reported by libelf.
- How ELF data structures are laid out in-memory and on disk, the notions...

Given the increasing attention to managing, publishing, and preserving research datasets as scholarly assets, what competencies in working with research data will graduate students in STEM disciplines need to be successful in their fields? And what role can librarians play in helping students attain these competencies? In addressing these questions...

Software has become a key component of contemporary life and algorithmic techniques that rank, classify, or recommend anything that fits into digital form are everywhere. This book approaches the field of information ordering conceptually as well as historically. Building on the philosophy of Gilbert Simondon and the cultural techniques tradition, ...

At least 80% of all information being collected by enterprises includes geolocation data. The Bing Maps V8 library is a very large collection of JavaScript code that allows web developers to place a map on a webpage, query for data, and manipulate objects on a map, creating a geo-application. In Bing Maps V8 Succinctly, James McCaffrey takes reader...

This first open access volume of the handbook series contains articles on the standard model of particle physics, both from the theoretical and experimental perspective. It also covers related topics, such as heavy-ion physics, neutrino physics and searches for new physics beyond the standard model.
A joint CERN-Springer initiative, the “Particl...

How do you write truly elegant code with Ruby? Ruby Best Practices is for programmers who want to use Ruby as experienced Rubyists do. Written by the developer of the Ruby project Prawn, this concise book explains how to design beautiful APIs and domain-specific languages with Ruby, as well as how to work with functional programming ideas and techn...

ASP.NET Core 3.1 Succinctly specifically covers the web development part of the ASP.NET Core framework, which has gone through some improvements since it was first released. In this updated e-book, Simone Chiaretta Ugo Lattanzi guide readers through the foundations of the library, cover its basic features, and cover the new version of the web appli...

Did fake Twitter accounts help sway a presidential election? What can Facebook and Reddit archives tell us about human behavior? In Mining Social Media, senior BuzzFeed reporter Lam Thuy Vo shows you how to use Python and key data analysis tools to find the stories buried in social media.
Whether you're a professional journalist, an academi...

Deep learning has transformed the fields of computer vision, image processing, and natural language applications. Thanks to TensorFlow.js, now JavaScript developers can build deep learning apps without relying on Python or R. Deep Learning with JavaScript shows developers how they can bring DL technology to the web. Written by the main authors of t...

This third open volume of the handbook series deals with accelerator physics, design, technology and operations, as well as with beam optics, dynamics and diagnostics. A joint CERN-Springer initiative, the "Particle Physics Reference Library" provides revised and updated contributions based on previously published material in the well-kno...

This second open access volume of the handbook series deals with detectors, large experimental facilities and data handling, both for accelerator and non-accelerator based experiments. It also covers applications in medicine and life sciences. A joint CERN-Springer initiative, the “Particle Physics Reference Library” provides revised and update...

Deno is a runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that is based on the V8 JavaScript engine and the Rust programming language.
The Deno Handbook follows the 80/20 rule: learn in 20% of the time the 80% of a topic. In particular, the goal is to get you up to speed quickly with Deno....

This is an intro to C for folks who already know how to program in another language. The first half of the book is written in a tutorial style, while the second half is a reference section complete with examples (inspired by the incomparable Turbo C Bible). The goal is to keep this up-to-date with the latest C standards.
This guide assumes that ...

Freshly updated for GTK3, the 2nd edition of An Introduction to C & GUI Programming will teach you all you need to know to write simple programs in C and start creating GUIs, even if you're an absolute beginner.
The first half of the book is an introduction to C, and covers the basics of writing simple command-line programs. The second ...

This collection examines how higher education responds to the demands of the automation economy and the fourth industrial revolution. Considering significant trends in how people are learning, coupled with the ways in which different higher education institutions and education stakeholders are implementing adaptations, it looks at new programs ...

A PDF version of this book is available for free in open access via the OAPEN Library platform, www.oapen.org. This book examines the significance of networks among the firms operative in the contemporary Russian software industry in the St. Petersburg region....