This open access book provides an alternative theoretical framework of irregular migration that allows to overcome many of the contradictions and theoretical impasses displayed by the majority of approaches in current literature. The analytical framework allows moving from an interpretation biased by methodological nationalism, to a more general sy...

This book provides a panoramic view of the evolution of Spanish agriculture from 1900 to the present, offering a more diverse picture to the complex and multidimensional reality of agrarian production. With a clear transdisciplinary ambition, the book applies an original and innovative theoretical and methodological tool, termed Agrarian Social Met...

This open access book is about understanding the processes involved in the transformation of smallholder rice farming in the Lower Mekong Basin from a low-yielding subsistence activity to one producing the surpluses needed for national self-sufficiency and a high-value export industry. For centuries, farmers in the Basin have regarded rice as "...

This free book provides up-to-date information on best practice to improve experimental design and quality of research in non-clinical pharmacology and biomedicine....

Focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, which in recent years has been the engine of global economic growth , this volume surveys trends and prospects in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) with particular reference to achieving inclusive growth and the greening of economies. Underlying the increasing pressure for new models of TV...

Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T Bell Labs created C++ in the mid 1980s. C++ is an extension of the programming language C, a product of AT&T Bell Labs from the early 1970s. C was developed to write the Unix operating system, and C is widely used for systems-level software and embedded systems development.
C++ initially provided object-oriented...

Principles of Macroeconomics is an adaptation of the textbook, Macroeconomics: Theory, Markets, and Policy by D. Curtis and I. Irvine, and presents a complete and concise examination of introductory macroeconomics theory and policy suitable for a first introductory course.
Examples are domestic and international in their subject matter and are o...

Deejaying, emceeing, graffiti writing, and breakdancing. Together, these artistic expressions combined to form the foundation of one of the most significant cultural phenomena of the late 20th century - Hip-Hop. Rooted in African American culture and experience, the music, fashion, art, and attitude that is Hip-Hop crossed both racial boundaries an...

Macroeconomics: Theory, Markets, and Policy by D. Curtis and I. Irvine provides complete, concise coverage of introductory macroeconomics theory and policy.
The textbook observes short-run macroeconomic performance, analysis, and policy motivated by the recessions of the early 1980s and 1990s, the financial crisis and recession of 2008-2009, and...

Database Design, 2nd Edition covers database systems and database design concepts. New to this edition are SQL info, additional examples, key terms and review exercises at the end of each chapter.
Topics include:The history of databases; Characteristics and benefits of databases; Data models; Data modelling; Classification of database management...

D3 Tips and Tricks is a book written to help those who may be unfamiliar with JavaScript or web page creation get started turning information into visualization.
Data is the new medium of choice for telling a story or presenting compelling information on the Internet and d3.js is an extraordinary framework for presentation of data on a web page....

Applied Combinatorics is an open-source book for a course covering the fundamental enumeration techniques (permutations, combinations, subsets, pigeon hole principle), recursion and mathematical induction, more advanced enumeration techniques (inclusion-exclusion, generating functions, recurrence relations, Polyá theory), discrete structures (grap...

This book outlines development theory and practice overtime as well as critically interrogates the "cultural turn" in development policy in Latin American indigenous communities, specifically, in Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador, and Bolivia. It becomes apparent that culturally sustainable development is both a new and old idea, which is simu...

This book is a uniquely pedagogical while still comprehensive state-of-the-art description of LCA-methodology and its broad range of applications. The five parts of the book conveniently provide: I) the history and context of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with its central role as quantitative and scientifically-based tool supporting society’s trans...

This enzymology textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate students covers the syllabi of most universities where this subject is regularly taught. It focuses on the synchrony between the two broad mechanistic facets of enzymology: the chemical and the kinetic, and also highlights the synergy between enzyme structure and mechanism. Designed f...

This text finally collects all the introductory aspects of beer brewing science into one place for undergraduate brewing science courses. This expansive and detailed work is written in conversational style, walking students through all the brewing basics from the origin and history of beer to the brewing process to post-brew packaging and quality c...

This book offers a completely new approach to learning and teaching the fundamentals of analytical chemistry. It summarizes 250 basic concepts of the field on the basis of slides. Each of the nine chapters offers the following features:
- Introduction: Summary. General scheme. Teaching objectives.
- Text containing the explanation of each slide.
- ...

This definitive text/reference on computer network and information security presents a comprehensive guide to the repertoire of security tools, algorithms and best practices mandated by the rapidly evolving ubiquitous technology we are increasingly dependent on. Fully revised and updated, this timely new edition encompasses the latest developments ...

In this updated edition of a groundbreaking text, concepts such as energy return on investment (EROI) provide powerful insights into the real balance sheets that drive our "petroleum economy." Hall and Klitgaard explore the relation between energy and the wealth explosion of the 20th century, and the interaction of internal limits to grow...

This textbook is a guide to success during the PhD trajectory. The first part of this book takes the reader through all steps of the PhD trajectory, and the second part contains a unique glossary of terms and explanation relevant for PhD candidates. Written in the accessible language of the PhD Talk blogs, the book contains a great deal of practica...

This book offers a superb introduction to theoretical and practical soil mechanics. Special attention is given to the risks of failure in civil engineering, and themes covered include stresses in soils, groundwater flow, consolidation, testing of soils, and stability of slopes.
Readers will learn the major principles and methods of soil mechanics,...

This book teaches the fundamentals of building energy modeling and analysis using open source example applications built with the US DOE's OpenStudio modeling platform and EnergyPlus simulation engine. Designed by researchers at US National Laboratories to support a new generation of high performance buildings, EnergyPlus and OpenStudio are re...

In this book, we describe the components of a launch plan at Google and offer practical methods you might apply to reduce production launch risks for your own products. We include lessons we have learned about what works well for launching Google products, including large products, new features for existing products, and even small products. The le...

The iOS Developer Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

Introductory Statistics follows scope and sequence requirements of a one-semester introduction to statistics course and is geared toward students majoring in fields other than math or engineering. The text assumes some knowledge of intermediate algebra and focuses on statistics application over theory. Introductory Statistics includes innovative pr...

React is one of the most popular JavaScript UI libraries in use today, providing a simple approach to creating stateful UI components that can be combined to create a complete web app. In React Succinctly by Samer Buna, you'll learn the fundamental concepts of the React library, how the library fits in with modern JavaScript, and how to apply ...

Terms like container and Docker, unknown to Microsoft programmers until now, have recently become essential in technical discussions about the development, distribution, and management of our applications. Containers can solve some of programmers' everyday problems, but a challenge with them is managing their lifecycles and the communication a...

As machine learning is increasingly leveraged to find patterns, conduct analysis, and make decisions - sometimes without final input from humans who may be impacted by these findings - it is crucial to invest in bringing more stakeholders into the fold. This book of Python projects in machine learning tries to do just that: to equip the developers ...

This book summarises a number of core ideas relevant to Computational Engineering and Scientific Computing using Python. The emphasis is on introducing some basic Python (programming) concepts that are relevant for numerical algorithms. The later chapters touch upon numerical libraries such as numpy and scipy each of which deserves much more space ...

This book has extensive coverage of interfacing assembly and C code and so might be of interest to C programmers who want to learn about how C works under the hood. All the examples use the free NASM (Netwide) assembler. The tutorial only covers programming under 32-bit protected mode and requires a 32-bit protected mode compiler. It is possible to...

The subject of this book is automated learning, or, as we will more often call it, Machine Learning (ML). That is, we wish to program computers so that they can "learn" from input available to them. Roughly speaking, learning is the process of converting experience into expertise or knowledge. The input to a learning algorithm is training...

In the decade and a half since Napster first emerged, forever changing the face of digital culture, the claim that "internet pirates killed the music industry" has become so ubiquitous that it is treated as common knowledge. Piracy is a scourge on legitimate businesses and hard-working artists, we are told, a "cybercrime" simila...