The Chinese Economic Transformation, the 19th volume in the China Update book series, provides an opportunity for young economists to share their views on various issues relating to the Chinese economic transformation. More than half of the contributors to this book are female scholars. Some of the contributors are rising stars in the studies of th...

This book is a must-read for students of and beginners in soil science. In a well-organized and easy-to-follow manner, it provides basic outlines of soil minerals, new methods and recent developments in the field, with a special focus on visual aids. The chapters on primary minerals, secondary minerals, non-crystalline inorganic constituents and ...

This book is the first academic study of the post-mortem practice of gibbeting ('hanging in chains'), since the nineteenth century. Gibbeting involved placing the executed body of a malefactor in an iron cage and suspending it from a tall post. A body might remain in the gibbet for many decades, while it gradually fell to pieces. Hanging ...

There's a huge range of computer-controlled machines used by makers - 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC mills and more - but the plotter is the easiest to make. This makes it a great build for getting started in the world of computer-controlled machines. For around £15 you can create your own drawing machine with our guide.
- Learn how hydra...

Bodging electrical components together on a breadboard is all very well, but when it comes to making a circuit permanent, you have to learn to solder. We've rounded up the best wizarding wands to give you this magical maker power.
- Vandalism done properly
- A robot that can climb stairs
- Air-powered rocketry
- Use a laser cutter to mak...

The oceans and atmosphere interact through various processes, including the transfer of momentum, heat, gases and particles. In this book leading international experts come together to provide a state-of-the-art account of these exchanges and their role in the Earth-system, with particular focus on gases and particles. Chapters in the book cover: ...

This book is written by world-recognized experts in the fields of applied superconductivity and superconducting accelerator magnet technologies. It provides a contemporary review and assessment of the experience in research and development of high-field accelerator dipole magnets based on Nb3Sn superconductor over the past five decades. The reader ...

This book presents the "New Vision 2050," which adds the concept of the "platinum society" to the "Vision 2050".The 20th century was a century in which energy led the development of material civilization, resulting in deletion of resources, global warming and climate change. What form should sustainable material and en...

This book describes and explains the educational method of Case-Based Clinical Reasoning (CBCR) used successfully in medical schools to prepare students to think like doctors before they enter the clinical arena and become engaged in patient care. Although this approach poses the paradoxical problem of a lack of clinical experience that is so essen...

This book is the comprehensive volume of the TAIGA ("a great river " in Japanese) project. Supported by the Japanese government, the project examined the hypothesis that the subseafloor fluid advection system (subseafloor TAIGA) can be categorized into four types, TAIGAs of sulfur, hydrogen, carbon (methane), and iron, according to the ...

This hands-on guide to hacking begins with step-by-step tutorials on hardware modifications that teach basic hacking techniques as well as essential reverse engineering skills. The book progresses into a discussion of the Xbox security mechanisms and other advanced hacking topics, with an emphasis on educating the readers on the important subjects ...

Flying machines: humans have always dreamed about flight, but with our puny arms and lack of feathers it's something we've struggled with. No more! Join us as we explore the best, cleverest and most innovative home-made flying machines. Icarus would have been proud!
- Behold: the world's first articulated print-in-place chocolate ...

With enough inspiration, the world is your playground - that's why this issue we're bringing you 16 of the best DIY toys and games to keep boredom at bay.
- Get started with surface mount soldering
- Make Islamic-inspired geometric LED patterns
- Building an aeroplane powered by the super duper supercapacitor
- Drool over the finest...