Historians often assume a one-directional transmission of knowledge and ideas, leading to the establishment of spatial hierarchies defined as centres and peripheries. In recent decades, transnational and global history have contributed to a more inclusive understanding of intellectual and cultural exchanges that profoundly challenged the ways in wh...

Drawing Futures brings together international designers and artists for speculations in contemporary drawing for art and architecture.
Despite numerous developments in technological manufacture and computational design that provide new grounds for designers, the act of drawing still plays a central role as a vehicle for speculation. There is a r...

Brexit will have significant consequences for the country, for Europe, and for global order. And yet much discussion of Brexit in the UK has focused on the causes of the vote and on its consequences for the future of British politics. This volume examines the consequences of Brexit for the future of Europe and the European Union, adopting an explic...

David Harvey's The Condition of Postmodernity rationalised capitalism's transformation during an extraordinary year: 1989. It gave theoretical expression to a material and cultural reality that was just then getting properly started - globalisation and postmodernity - whilst highlighting the geo-spatial limits to accumulation imposed by o...

Silicon Valley is the world's most successful innovation region. Apple, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Uber, and Airbnb changed our way of living. Silicon Valley has built a brilliant ecosystem that supports startups. Its entrepreneurial mindset fosters risk-taking, thinking big, and sharing.
A fast growing number of accele...

Software has become a key component of contemporary life and algorithmic techniques that rank, classify, or recommend anything that fits into digital form are everywhere. This book approaches the field of information ordering conceptually as well as historically. Building on the philosophy of Gilbert Simondon and the cultural techniques tradition, ...

The idea that the digital age has revolutionized our day-to-day experience of the world is nothing new, and has been amply recognized by cultural historians. In contrast, Stephen Robertson's BC: Before Computers is a work which questions the idea that the mid-twentieth century saw a single moment of rupture. It is about all the things that we ...

While the idea of women who stay at home and men who dominate the streets may seem outdated, binary considerations of gender, space, and power still proliferate in contemporary cinema. This open access book adopts a fluid approach to space designed to accommodate wilful, affirmative, and imaginative perspectives of gender on screen. Through close a...

In this truly unique technical book, today's leading software architects present valuable principles on key development issues that go way beyond technology. More than four dozen architects - including Neal Ford, Michael Nygard, and Bill de hOra - offer advice for communicating with stakeholders, eliminating complexity, empowering developers, ...

For many researchers, Python is a first-class tool mainly because of its libraries for storing, manipulating, and gaining insight from data. Several resources exist for individual pieces of this data science stack, but only with the Python Data Science Handbook do you get them all - IPython, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, and other relate...

Python is one of the leading open source platforms for data science and numerical computing. IPython and the associated Jupyter Notebook offer efficient interfaces to Python for data analysis and interactive visualization, and they constitute an ideal gateway to the platform.
IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook, 2nd Edition ...

This open book introduces the legacy of Piotr Galperin to a wider audience of researchers, educators and psychologists. Previous translations of Galperin’s work present only some aspects of his conceptual thinking; however, his main contribution to the general, genetic and pedagogical psychology as a unique holistic and systemic approach to stud...

Many scholars have wondered if a non-Western theory of international politics founded on different premises, be it from Asia or from the "Global South," could release international relations from the grip of a Western, "Westphalian" model. This book argues that a Buddhist approach to international relations could provide a genui...

While the rise of social protection in the global North has been widely researched, we know little about the history of social protection in the global South. This open book investigates the experiences of four middle-income countries - Brazil, India, China and South Africa - from 1920 to 2020, analysing if, when, and how these countries articulate...

Our purpose in this book is twofold. First, we introduce the basic skill set and knowledge base used by practicing instructional designers. We do this through chapters contributed by experts in the field who have either academic, research-based backgrounds, or practical, on-the-job experience (or both). Our goal is that students in introductory ins...

Creative Chaos describes the dynamic process of collaborative design and development within interdisciplinary teams as they work to create something together. Creativity is wonderfully complex and chaotic, and at Carnegie Mellon University's Entertainment Technology Center we often describe what we do as "creative chaos" in that it...

Do you know that an empowering word can spark ideas, open doors, change attitudes, and create solutions?
Words can do all these things and much more. They have the potency to redefine personalities, lives, and entire communities. Just think of some of the things words are used for every day:
- To communicate a message
- To express a feeling

As technology and software become more and more important to Portuguese society, it is time for Portugal to take them more seriously, and become a real player in that world. This book discusses several ideas to make Portugal a place where programming, TDD, Open Source, learning how to code, hacking (aka bug-bounty style), and DevOps receive the con...

Resilient Web Design, you might think that this is a handbook for designing robust websites. This is not a handbook. It's more like a history book.
But in the world of web design, we are mostly preoccupied with the here and now. When we think beyond our presentmoment, it is usually to contemplate the future - to imaginethe devices, features...

Based on coursework developed at Peabody Conservatory, this book breaks down the process of developing an artist mission statement, generating new ideas for creative projects, and creating an engaging project description. It also covers methods for artists to identify their audience, generate a comprehensive project budget, collect compelling work ...

Rich Hickey invented Clojure. This is a fork of the project to experiment with literate programming as a development and documentation technology.
Clojure is a break with the past traditions of Lisp. This literate fork is a break with the past traditions of code development. As such it is intended as an experiment, not a replacement or competiti...

The European Experience brings together the expertise of nearly a hundred historians from eight European universities to internationalise and diversify the study of modern European history, exploring a grand sweep of time from 1500 to 2000. Offering a valuable corrective to the Anglocentric narratives of previous English-language textbooks, scholar...

Cyborgs in Latin America explores the ways cultural expression in Latin America has grappled with the changing relationships between technology and human identity. The book takes a literary and cultural studies approach in examining narrative, film and advertising campaigns from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay by such artists as Ricar...

This book presents extensive information related to the history of IUTAM. The initial chapters focus on IUTAM's history and selected organizational aspects. Subsequent chapters provide extensive data and statistics, while the closing section showcases photos from all periods of the Union's history.The history of IUTAM, the International U...

This book surveys drinking in Britain between the Licensing Act of 1869 and the wartime regulations imposed on alcohol production and consumption after 1914. This was a period marked by the expansion of the drink industry and by increasingly restrictive licensing laws. Politics and commerce co-existed with moral and medical concerns about drunkenne...

This book presents an ethnographic study of how grassroots activism in Venezuela during the Chávez presidency can be understood in relation to the country's history as a petro-state. Taking the contested relationship between the popular sectors and the Venezuelan state as a point of departure, Iselin Åsedotter Strønen explores how notions s...

Are you organising an international heritage project? Turning a so-called 'heritage revival' into a meaningful experience for the general public can be a challenge to historians, archaeologists, museum conservators and tourism professionals alike. This Companion to European Heritage Revivals offers inspiration and new ideas to those who w...

Universities and research institutes are increasingly expected to contribute to society by creating innovation from the returns of their research results and the establishment of new technologies. Toward that goal, Keio University in Japan held an international symposium titled "Fulfilling the Promise of Technology Transfer: Fostering Innovati...

Part of the AHRC/British Library Academic Book of the Future Project, this book interrogates current and emerging contexts of academic books from the perspectives of thirteen expert voices from the connected communities of publishing, academia, libraries, and bookselling....

This book develops a new philosophy of Israel education. "Person-centered" Israel education is concerned with developing in individual learners the ability to understand and make rational, emotional, and ethical decisions about Israel, and about the challenges Israel regularly faces, whether they be existential, spiritual, democratic, hum...

This book takes a taxpayer's perspective to the relations taxation creates between people and their state. Larsen proposes that in order to understand tax compliance and cheating, we have to look beyond law, psychological experiments and surveys to include tax collectors and taxpayers' practices. The text explores the view of taxes seen a...

Given the manifold challenges of financial sectors in developing and transition countries, one might be tempted to believe that embarking on "green" finance is not a priority for financial systems development. However, there are a number of arguments against this view. Environmental finance, particularly energy efficiency and renewable en...