This open book reports on cutting-edge electrical engineering and microelectronics solutions to foster and support digitalization in the semiconductor industry. Based on the outcomes of the European project iDev40, which were presented at the two first conference editions of the European Advances in Digital Transformation Conference (EADCT 2018 and...

Functional and flexible, this guide takes an objects-first approach to Java programming and problem using games and puzzles. Offers independent introductions to both a command-line interface and a graphical user interface (GUI). Features coverage of Unified Modeling Language (UML), the industry-standard, object-oriented design tool. Illustrates key...

The purpose of this book is to help you program shared-memory parallel systems without risking your sanity. Nevertheless, you should think of the information in this book as a foundation on which to build, rather than as a completed cathedral. Your mission, if you choose to accept, is to help make further progress in the exciting field of parallel ...

What Works in Conservation has been created to provide practitioners with answers to these and many other questions about practical conservation.
This book provides an assessment of the effectiveness of 2526 conservation interventions based on summarized scientific evidence. The 2021 edition containssubstantial new material on bat conservation, ...

The book is based on "First semester in Numerical Analysis with Julia". The contents of the original book are retained, while all the algorithms are implemented in Python (Version 3.8.0). Python is an open source (under OSI), interpreted, general-purpose programming language that has a large number of users around the world. Python is ran...

Bash is the shell, or command language interpreter, for thegnuoperating system. Thename is an acronym for the 'Bourne-Again SHell', a pun on Stephen Bourne, the authorof the direct ancestor of the current Unix shellsh, which appeared in the Seventh Edition Bell Labs Research version of Unix.
Bash is largely compatible withshand incorpo...

Greatly enhanced and updated from the third edition, this is the title any JavaScripter cannot afford to be without! JavaScript Bible, 4th Edition covers the new powerful functionality JavaScript will gain with the release of new revs of Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator. This book features essential new JS information, additional ready-t...

The purpose of the 3rd edition of this book is to give a sound and self-contained (in the sense that the necessary probability theory is included) introduction to classical or mainstream statistical theory. It is not a statistical-methods-cookbook, nor a compendium of statistical theories, nor is it a mathematics book. The book is intended to be a ...

Kubernetes has become the operating system of today's cloud native world, providing a reliable and scalable platform for running containerized workloads. In this friendly, pragmatic book, cloud experts Justin Domingus and John Arundel show you what Kubernetes can do-and what you can do with it.
This updated second edition guides you through...

Planning to build a microservice-driven cloud native application or looking to modernize existing application services? Consider using a service mesh. A service mesh approach can help you create robust and scalable applications, but it also introduces new challenges. This updated report answers common questions regarding service mesh architectures ...

This book provides novel and in-depth perspectives on evaluating environment and sustainability issues in developing countries. Evaluating Environment in International Development focuses on the approaches and experiences of leading international organizations, not-for-profits, and multilateral and bilateral aid agencies to illustrate how systemati...

Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Sixth Edition, explores the key principles of computer networking, using real world examples from network and protocol design. Using the Internet as the primary example, this best-selling classic textbook explains various protocols and networking technologies. The systems-oriented approach encourages students ...

Every Database Administrator, developer, report writer, and anyone else who writes T-SQL to access SQL Server data, must understand how to read and interpret execution plans. My book leads you right from the basics of capturing plans, through how to interrupt them in their various forms, graphical or XML, and then how to use the information you fin...

A new edition of a graduate-level machine learning textbook that focuses on the analysis and theory of algorithms.
This book is a general introduction to machine learning that can serve as a textbook for graduate students and a reference for researchers. It covers fundamental modern topics in machine learning while providing the theoretical basi...

An introduction to the engineering principles of embedded systems, with a focus on modeling, design, and analysis of cyber-physical systems.
The most visible use of computers and software is processing information for human consumption. The vast majority of computers in use, however, are much less visible. They run the engine, brakes, seatbelts,...

Every enterprise application creates data, whether it consists of log messages, metrics, user activity, or outgoing messages. Moving all this data is just as important as the data itself. With this updated edition, application architects, developers, and production engineers new to the Kafka streaming platform will learn how to handle data in motio...

Learn how to build a wide range of scalable real-world web applications using a professional development toolkit. If you already know the basics of Node.js, now is the time to discover how to bring it to production level by leveraging its vast ecosystem of packages.With this book, you'll work with a varied collection of standards and framework...

A lot of work is required to release an API, but the effort doesn't always pay off. Overplanning before an API matures is a wasted investment, while underplanning can lead to disaster. The second edition of this book provides maturity models for individual APIs and multi-API landscapes to help you invest the right human and company resources f...

Introduction to Neuroscience is designed for undergraduate students enrolled in introductory neuroscience courses. This book specifically targets students enrolled in Introduction to Neuroscience 1 and Introduction to Neuroscience 2 at Michigan State University and primarily contains topics covered in those courses.
This first edition will guide...

Blockchain For Dummies, 2nd IBM Limited Edition, equips you with an understanding of what blockchain is, how it works, and how it can enhance your business and the industry in which it operates. You learn the fundamentals of blockchain and how this technology revolutionizes transactions and business networks. You also discover the important differe...

Freshly updated for GTK3, the 2nd edition of An Introduction to C & GUI Programming will teach you all you need to know to write simple programs in C and start creating GUIs, even if you're an absolute beginner.
The first half of the book is an introduction to C, and covers the basics of writing simple command-line programs. The second ...