For the right use case, relational databases are powerful tools.
But today's users are asking for more than an RDBMS can handle. More features, more data, more speed and - most importantly - more connections.
This ebook introduces you - the RDBMS developer - to a new technology that leverages data connections like never before: the graph...

Whether you're a business executive or a seasoned developer, something has led you on the quest to learn more about graphs - and what they can do for you.
This ebook will take those new to the world of graphs through the basics of graph technology, including: Using the intuitive Cypher query language; The importance of data relationships; K...

Even as spending on digital transformation continues to skyrocket, mainframes nevertheless have major advantages for global enterprises. These systems still process huge amounts of information and allow for highly secure transactions. In this practical book, author Tom Taulli shows software developers how to pursue a hybrid approach by integrating ...

Neo4j is the world's leading graph database and offers users a radical new way of dealing with connected data. This book has been created to help you get to grips with it, providing you with an accessible route through a tool built to contend with the complexity of modern data. Learn the fundamental concepts behind Neo4j, and put them into pra...

Discover how graph databases can help you manage and query highly connected data. With this practical book, you'll learn how to design and implement a graph database that brings the power of graphs to bear on a broad range of problem domains. Whether you want to speed up your response to user queries or build a database that can adapt as your ...

The SQL Server 2016 In-Memory OLTP engine (a.k.a. Hekaton) is designed to exploit terabytes of available memory and high numbers of processing cores. It allows us to work with memory-optimized tables and indexes, and natively compiled stored procedures, in addition to the disk-based tables and indexes, and T-SQL stored procedures, that SQL Server h...

This book introduces readers to the basic principles of bioinformatics and the practical application and utilization of computational tools, without assuming any prior background in programming or informatics. It provides a coherent overview of the complex field and focuses on the implementation of online tools, genome databases and software that c...

SQL Server is Microsoft's relational database management system (RDBMS). SQL Server can now be hosted entirely in Microsoft Azure, either in a hosted virtual machine (VM) or as a hosted service. Hosting a virtual machine in Azure is known as infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and hosting a service in Azure is known as platform as a service (P...

Few software developers would build an application without using source control, but its adoption for databases has been slower. Yet without source control to maintain the scripts necessary to create our database objects, load lookup data, and take other actions, we cannot guarantee a reliable and repeatable database deployment process, let alone c...

The data you encounter in the real world is usually easier to think of as objects or documents than as the tables and rows required by a standard RDBMS. RavenDB, a modern document-oriented database written in .NET, requires no schema to be declared and enables developers to work with data more naturally. RavenDB applications are high-performance, l...

This free book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the First International Workshop on Multiple-Aspect Analysis of Semantic Trajectories, MASTER 2019, held in conjunction with the 19th European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, ECML PKDD 2019, in Würzburg, Germany, in September 2019. The 8 ful...

Originally developed for mainframes but highly portable across platforms-from servers to desktops to handhelds-Rexx is an easy yet powerful scripting language that's widely used for rapid application development.
Covers Rexx interpreters for specialized functions-object-oriented, mainframe, and handheld.
There are 8 different free Rexx i...

This book was written to serve as an introduction to logic, with in each chapter – if applicable – special emphasis on the interplay between logic and philosophy, mathematics, language and (theoretical) computer science. The reader will not only be provided with an introduction to classical logic, but to philosophical (modal, epistemic, deontic...

Microsoft Azure is Microsoft's cloud computing platform, providing a wide variety of services you can use without purchasing and provisioning your own hardware. Azure enables the rapid development of solutions and provides the resources to accomplish tasks that may not be feasible in an on-premises environment. Azure's compute, storage, n...

Known for its straightforward simplicity, PHP is an open source, general-purpose scripting language oriented for web development. In PHP Succinctly, author José Roberto Olivas Mendoza guides newcomers through PHP's basics, which includes deployment, programming themes such as variables, decision making, arrays, functions, and databases, and t...

The book teaches you how to write web applications in Go without using a framework. It is possible to write a webapp without using any framework in Go. Each new concept will be explained via a valid code example. The book is based of a todo list manager I wrote in Go, and at any point in time, you can check the source code of the todo list manager....

Entity Framework is Microsoft's flagship Object/Relation Mapper, and the recommended way to access relational databases. Entity Framework Core is a complete rewrite from the "classic" Entity Framework, building on the new multiplatform .NET Core framework and adding the ability to connect to nonrelational data sources while keeping t...

The SQL Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

Data in the world started to grow tremendously after mobile application came in the market. This huge amount of data became almost impossible to handle with traditional relational database - SQL. NoSQL databases are introduced to handle those data where much more flexibility came like variable number of columns for each data. MongoDB is one of the ...

Cosmos DB is a NoSQL database service included in Azure that is continuously adding new features and has quickly become one of the most innovative services found in Azure, targeting mission-critical applications at a global scale. This book starts off by showing you the main features of Cosmos DB, their supported NoSQL data models and the foundatio...

This groundbreaking, open volume analyses and compares data practices across several fields through the analysis of specific cases of data journeys. It brings together leading scholars in the philosophy, history and social studies of science to achieve two goals: tracking the travel of data across different spaces, times and domains of research pra...

This book aims to provide an approachable introduction to Redis concepts by outlining many of the key-value store's commands so readers can learn their patterns and syntax, thus building up readers' understanding gradually. The goal for this book is to serve as an introduction to Redis for those interested in getting started with it, or k...

Many forces affect software today: larger datasets, geographical disparities, complex company structures, and the growing need to be fast and nimble in the face of change. Proven approaches such as service-oriented and event-driven architectures are joined by newer techniques such as microservices, reactive architectures, DevOps, and stream process...

NoSQL is a modern data persistence storage paradigm that provides data persistence for environments where high performance is a primary requirement. Within NoSQL, data is stored in such a way as to make both writing and reading quite fast, even under heavy load.
Redis and Redis Enterprise are market-leading, multi-model NoSQL databases that brin...

Is Kubernetes ready for stateful workloads? This open source system has become the primary platform for deploying and managing cloud native applications. But because it was originally designed for stateless workloads, working with data on Kubernetes has been challenging. If you want to avoid the inefficiencies and duplicative costs of having separa...

This book is open access, which means that you have free and unlimited access.This book analyses and discusses the recent developments for assessing research quality in the humanities and related fields in the social sciences. Research assessments in the humanities are highly controversial and the evaluation of humanities research is delicate. Whi...

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction, IHCI 2017, held in Evry, France, in December 2017.
The 15 papers presented together with three invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 25 submissions. The conference is forum for the presentation...

In the light of better and more detailed administrative databases, this book provides statistical tools for evaluating the effects of public policies advocated by governments and public institutions. Experts from academia, national statistics offices and various research centers present modern econometric methods for an efficient data-driven policy...

This book looks at the migration of Southern European EU citizens (from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece) who move to Northern European Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, United Kingdom) in response to the global economic crisis.Its objective is twofold. First, it identifies the scale and nature of this new Southern European emigration and exam...

In this book readers will find technological discussions on the existing and emerging technologies across the different stages of the big data value chain. They will learn about legal aspects of big data, the social impact, and about education needs and requirements. And they will discover the business perspective and how big data technology can be...

We've all heard it: according to Hal Varian, statistics is the next sexy job. Five years ago, in What is Web 2.0, Tim O'Reilly said that "data is the next Intel Inside." But what does that statement mean? Why do we suddenly care about statistics and about data? This report examines the many sides of data science - the technologi...

Beginning and experienced programmers will use this comprehensive guide to persistent memory programming. You will understand how persistent memory brings together several new software/hardware requirements, and offers great promise for better performance and faster application startup times - a huge leap forward in byte-addressable capacity compar...