Adoption of cloud-native application architectures is helping many organizations transform their IT into a force for true agility in the marketplace. This report defines the unique characteristics of cloud-native application architectures such as microservices and twelve-factor applications.
Author Matt Stine also examines the cultural, organiza...

Python is one of the leading open source platforms for data science and numerical computing. IPython and the associated Jupyter Notebook offer efficient interfaces to Python for data analysis and interactive visualization, and they constitute an ideal gateway to the platform.
IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook, 2nd Edition ...

CakePHP 4 is a web development framework running on PHP 8.1 (min. PHP 7.2). Read CakePHP at a Glance to get an introduction to the fundamentals of CakePHP. The CakePHP cookbook is an openly developed and community editable documentation project....

The Biopython Project is an international association of developers tools for computational molecular biology. Python is an object oriented, interpreted,flexible language that is becoming increasingly popular for scientific computing. Python is easy to learn, hasa very clear syntax and can easily be extended with modules written in C, C++ or FORTRA...

This text is a practical guide for linguists, and programmers, who work with data in multilingual computational environments. We introduce the basic concepts needed to understand how writing systems and character encodings function, and how they work together at the intersection between the Unicode Standard and the International Phonetic Alphabet. ...

Alongside its popular web server, NGINX provides a dynamic application server that supports configuration through a RESTful JSON API. The open source NGINX Unit server deploys configuration changes without service disruptions and runs apps built with multiple languages and frameworks. This updated cookbook shows developers, DevOps personnel, networ...

Spring Data's mission is to provide a familiar and consistent, Spring-based programming model for data access while still retaining the special traits of the underlying data store.
It makes it easy to use data access technologies, relational and non-relational databases, map-reduce frameworks, and cloud-based data services. This is an umbre...

The Apache HTTP Server, colloquially called Apache, is the world's most used web server software. Originally based on the NCSA HTTPd server, development of Apache began in early 1995 after work on the NCSA code stalled. Apache played a key role in the initial growth of the World Wide Web, quickly overtaking NCSA HTTPd as the dominant HTTP serv...

NGINX is one of the most widely used web servers available today, in part because of itscapabilities as a load balancer and reverse proxy server for HTTP and other network protocols. This revised cookbook provides easy-to-follow examples of real-world problems in application delivery. Practical recipes help you set up and use either the open source...

This book is a uniquely pedagogical while still comprehensive state-of-the-art description of LCA-methodology and its broad range of applications. The five parts of the book conveniently provide: I) the history and context of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with its central role as quantitative and scientifically-based tool supporting society’s trans...

The Ruby on Rails Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow....

Three of CouchDB's creators show you how to use this document-oriented database as a standalone application framework or with high-volume, distributed applications. With its simple model for storing, processing, and accessing data, CouchDB is ideal for web applications that handle huge amounts of loosely structured data. That alone would stret...

Ruby on Rails (RoR), or Rails, is an open-source popular web application framework. Rails uses Ruby, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a web application that runs on a web server. Rails uses the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern and provides a fullstack of libraries from the database all the way to the view.
It is an unofficial and free Ruby...

Effective Research Data Management (RDM) is a key component of research integrity and reproducible research, and its importance is increasingly emphasised by funding bodies, governments, and research institutions around the world. However, many researchers are unfamiliar with RDM best practices, and research support staff are faced with the difficu...

In this book, you'll find information about a set of libraries developed within the Apache Commons (also referred to as "Commons"). Commons is a set of small, popular components which forms a Top-level Project at the Apache Software Foundation. Ranging from the elementary to the complex, many would consider some of these libraries in...

The purpose of the 3rd edition of this book is to give a sound and self-contained (in the sense that the necessary probability theory is included) introduction to classical or mainstream statistical theory. It is not a statistical-methods-cookbook, nor a compendium of statistical theories, nor is it a mathematics book. The book is intended to be a ...

Statistical studies over the last forty-five years show that, although there are success stories, very many mergers and acquisitions do not result in the increased operating profits that economics textbooks would lead one to expect. As consultancy McKinsey have put it, 'Anyone who has researched merger success rates knows that roughly 70% fail...

This book is designed to accompany a graduate-level instructional design course: Game-Based and Adaptive Learning, but could also be used for undergraduate teacher education or instructional design courses.
The original texts and material for this book came from the development of a course for Brandeis University as part of their MS in Learner E...