This book makes JavaScript less challenging to learn for newcomers, by offering a modern view that is as consistent as possible.
- Get started quickly, by initially focusing on modern features.
- Test-driven exercises and quizzes available for most chapters.
- Covers all essential features of JavaScript, up to and including ES2020...

Node.js is a popular open-source runtime environment that can execute JavaScript outside of the browser. The Node runtime is commonly used for back-end web development, leveraging its asynchronous capabilities to create networking applications and web servers. Node is also a popular choice for building command line tools.
In this book, you will ...

The JavaScript Beginner's Handbook follows the 80/20 rule: learn in 20% of the time the 80% of a topic. The author find this approach gives a well-rounded overview.
This book does not try to cover everything under the sun related to JavaScript. It focuses on the core of the language, trying to simplify the more complex topics. The author h...

Express is a Node.js Web Framework. Node.js is an amazing tool for building networking services and applications. Express builds on top of its features to provide easy to use functionality that satisfy the needs of the Web Server use case.
The Express Handbook follows the 80/20 rule: learn in 20% of the time the 80% of a topic. The author find t...

Node.js is built on top of the Google Chrome V8 JavaScript engine, and it's mainly used to create web servers - but it's not limited to that.
The Node.js Handbook follows the 80/20 rule: learn in 20% of the time the 80% of a topic. The author find this approach gives a well-rounded overview....

When I reflect back on Azure Tips and Tricks a year ago, I was only thinking that I'd write a couple of posts and move on. Fast-forward to today, the collection has grown to over 150+ tips, as well as videos, conference talks, and now an eBook spanning the entire universe of the Azure platform. What you are currently reading is a special colle...

Python for Kids is a lighthearted introduction to the Python language and to programming in general, complete with illustrations and kid-friendly examples. We begin with the basics of how to install Python and write simple commands. In bite-sized chapters, you'll discover the essentials of Python, including how to use Python's extensive s...

Vue.js is a very impressive project. It's a very popular JavaScript framework, one that's experiencing a huge growth. It is simple, tiny and very performant.
The Vue.js Handbook follows the 80/20 rule: learn in 20% of the time the 80% of a topic. The author find this approach gives a well-rounded overview....

The author wrote this open book to help you move from pre-ES6 knowledge of JavaScript and get you quickly up to speed with the most recent advancements of the language.
JavaScript today is in the privileged position to be the only language that can run natively in the browser, and is highly integrated and optimized for that.
The future of JavaScr...

JavaScript is the de facto programming language of the web, but the language itself does not include any built-in method for working with input/output (I/O), such as graphics display and sound. Instead, the web browser provides an API for accessing the HTML document in a tree structure known as the Document Object Model (DOM). The combination of Ja...

Whether you want to build robots, smart devices, or any other electronically controlled projects, this is the book you need. We take you through how to program and connect an Arduino microcontroller board, then explore some great projects to make with it.
- Build a four-legged walking robot;
- Create a Tetris-inspired clock;
- Grow your own ve...

Get even more from Raspberry Pi with the brand-new official Handbook! Over 200 pages of Raspberry Pi packed with inspirational projects, essential tutorials & guides, practical tips and definitive reviews!
Inside The Official Raspberry Pi Handbook 2022:
- QuickStart guide to setting up your Raspberry Pi computer;
- Updated with Raspberry P...

CakePHP 4 is a web development framework running on PHP 8.1 (min. PHP 7.2). Read CakePHP at a Glance to get an introduction to the fundamentals of CakePHP. The CakePHP cookbook is an openly developed and community editable documentation project....

C# is a general purpose, object-oriented, component-based programming language. As a general purpose language, there are a number of ways to apply C# to accomplish many different tasks. You can build web applications with ASP.NET, desktop applications with Windows Presentation Foundation, or build mobile applications for Windows Phone. Other applic...

Creative Scala is aimed at developers who have no prior experience in Scala. It is designed to give you a fun introduction to functional programming. We assume you have some familiarity with another programming language but little or no experience with Scala or other functional languages.
We have three goals with this book:
1. To give an introd...

Svelte is an exciting Web framework that offers a fresh new take on how to build Web applications.
If you are already experienced in React, Vue, Angular or other frontend frameworks you might be pleasantly surprised by Svelte.
My first impression with Svelte was that it all feels so much more like plain JavaScript than working with other fram...

Deno is a JavaScript runtime by the creator of Node, built upon the lessons learned from Node becoming an integral part of so many apps since 2009, plus the ever-changing web app landscape. In Deno Succinctly, author Mark Lewin illuminates the improvements that Deno brings to server-side web development, and guides readers through three quick proje...

Part of a series of specialized guides on System Center-this book walks through the implementation of Operations Manager in the enterprise using Windows Server 2012 R2 and System Center 2012 R2, or later. Written by experts on the Microsoft System Center team and with Microsoft MVP Mitch Tulloch as series editor, this title focuses on best practice...

Part of a series of specialized guides on System Center - this book shares real-world expertise for using Configuration Manager capabilities to deliver more effective IT services. Series editor Mitch Tulloch and a team of System Center experts provide concise technical guidance as they step you through key deployment and management scenarios.

In this book, you'll build a working web application so you'll gain hands-on experience. Along the way, you'll practice techniques used by professional Rails developers. And I'll help you understand why Rails is a popular choice for web development.
Read Book One to get the big picture that's missing from other tutorials...

As the authors of this book, we have tried provide you with insights and tips on troubleshooting System Center 2012 Configuration Manager drawn from our insider knowledge and real-world field experience. While most of you who are Configuration Manager administrators are fairly comfortable with the product and can perform common management tasks, ma...