This is an introduction to the Go language from Google. Its aim is to provide a guide to this new and innovative language.
The intended audience of this book is people who are familiar with programming and know multiple programming languages,be it C, C++, Perl, Java, Erlang, Scala or Haskell. This is not a book which teaches you how to program, ...

Bash is the shell, or command language interpreter, for thegnuoperating system. Thename is an acronym for the 'Bourne-Again SHell', a pun on Stephen Bourne, the authorof the direct ancestor of the current Unix shellsh, which appeared in the Seventh Edition Bell Labs Research version of Unix.
Bash is largely compatible withshand incorpo...

The audience for this guide is mainly developers, development leads, and architects who are interested in building modern web applications using Microsoft technologies and services in the cloud.
A secondary audience is technical decision makers who are already familiar ASP.NET or Azure and are looking for information on whether it makes sense to...

Mastering Dyalog APL is a complete guide to the use of Dyalog, beginning with a thorough introduction to the APL programming language. Following this, the tutorial describes a large number of common coding techniques and discusses a variety of interfaces, including file handling and COM/OLE. Bernard Legrand provides a comprehensive introduction to ...

This open book aims to provide novice programmers solid foundation of basic knowledge regardless of the programming language. This book covers the fundamentals of programming that have not changed significantly over the last 10 years. Educational content was developed by an authoritative author team led by Svetlin Nakov from the Software University...

Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold. That's why repair skills are so important! This month we're talking upcycling - the art of making beautiful new projects out of old junk.
Plus: what happens when your just-for-kicks project turns out to be something that loads of people want? We talk to Timon Skerutsch, creator of the Piunora,...

A free and open-source introduction to the art and science of cinema. From the earliest iterations to the latest innovations, this introductory text explores the tools and techniques of mise-en-scene, narrative form, cinematography, editing, sound and acting, how each has contributed to the evolution of cinematic language, and how that evolution im...

The diversity of musical expressions throughout the world is vast. Music can be found in every corner of the globe in a variety of different contexts.
This open book provides just a small sampling of some of the various musical styles and traditions that might be found, though the skills developed in this course can be applied to any type of mus...

The GNU Debugger allows you to see what is going on "inside" a program while it executes - or what a program was doing at the moment it crashed. GDB supports C, C++, Java, Fortran and Assembly among other languages; it is also designed to work closely with the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). The GNU Debugger Program has four special featur...

What does it mean to say that someone is autistic?
Towards an Ethics of Autism is an exploration of this question and many more. In this thoughtful, wide-ranging book, Kristien Hens examines a number of perspectives on autism, including psychiatric, biological, and philosophical, to consider different ways of thinking about autism, as well as it...

The way a user might perceive and use data and the optimal way a computer system might store it are often very different. In this Database Design Succinctly, learn how to model the user's information into data in a computer database system in such a way as to allow the system to produce useful results for the end user. Joseph D. Booth will cov...

Everyone needs a little cryptology.
The problem with crypto is that it has a reputation of being very hard and mysterious, as well as very easy to get wrong. While there are aspects of crypto that are connected to quite modern and complex theories - such as number theory, an old and deep branch of mathematics; complexity theory, a new(er) and su...

Since the revival of maggot therapy in Western wound care approximately thirty years ago, there has been no comprehensive synthesis of what is known about its clinical practice, supply chain management, and social dimensions. This edited volume fills the information vacuum and, importantly, makes the current state of knowledge freely accessible. It...

Complementing Who Saved the Parthenon? this companion volume sets aside more recent narratives surrounding the Athenian Acropolis, supposedly 'the very symbol of democracy itself', instead asking if we can truly access an ancient past imputed with modern meaning. And, if so, how?
In this book William St Clair presents a reconstructed u...

Navigating the landscape of Romantic literature and art across Europe and the Americas, An Outline of Romanticism in the West invites readers to embark upon a literary journey. Showcasing a breadth of theoretical and contextual approaches to the study of Romanticism, John Isbell provides an insightful contemporary overview of the field, paired with...

You are reading a book about the Raku programming language. This language has appeared as a rename of Perl 6 in October 2019.
Like its parent, Perl 5, the Raku language keeps the spirit of being a powerful tool in many areas, from devops programs for configuration management through different command-line applications to concurrent web servers.