Book Description
With enough inspiration, the world is your playground - that's why this issue we're bringing you 16 of the best DIY toys and games to keep boredom at bay.
- Get started with surface mount soldering
- Make Islamic-inspired geometric LED patterns
- Building an aeroplane powered by the super duper supercapacitor
- Drool over the finest 3D printed guitar we've ever seen
This open book is licensed under a Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA). You can download HackSpace Magazine: Issue 65 ebook for free in PDF format (27.2 MB).
Table of Contents
Section 1
Top Projects
Section 2
Objet 3d'art
Section 3
Section 4
Toy and Games
Section 5
How I Made: Greening the Spark
Section 6
Interview: Kitronik
Section 7
In the workshop
Section 8
Section 9
Tutorial Surface-mount soldering
Section 10
Tutorial Raspberry Pi
Section 11
Tutorial Powered flight
Section 12
Tutorial Metal stamping
Section 13
Tutorial Raspberry Pi Pico
Section 14
Tutorial 3D printing
Section 15
Best of Breed Robot pets
Section 16
Review Adafruit Feather RP2040 Scorpio
Section 17
Review Spintronics
Section 18
Review Raspberry Pi Pico Debug Probe
Section 19
Book Details
HackSpace Magazine: Issue 65
Computer Science
Raspberry Pi Press
PDF Size
27.2 MB

There's a huge range of computer-controlled machines used by makers - 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC mills and more - but the plotter is the easiest to make. This makes it a great build for getting started in the world of computer-controlled machines. For around £15 you can create your own drawing machine with our guide.
- Learn how hydra...

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