Book Description
This book has been specifically created to make it easier for professors to offer a law school course on global corruption. It is issued under a creative commons license and can be used for free in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes. The first chapter sets out the general context of global corruption: its nature and extent, and some views on its historical, social, economic and political dimensions. Each subsequent chapter sets out international standards and requirements in respect to combating corruption - mainly in the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) and the OECD Bribery of Foreign Officials Convention (OECD Convention). The laws of the United States and United Kingdom are then set out as examples of how those Convention standards and requirements are met in two influential jurisdictions. Finally, the law of Canada is set out. Thus, a professor from Africa, Australia, New Zealand or English speaking countries in Asia and Europe has a nearly complete coursebook - for example, that professor can delete the Canadian sections of this book and insert the law and practices of his or her home country in their place. While primarily directed to a law school course on global corruption, this book will be of interest and use to professors teaching courses on corruption from other academic disciplines and to lawyers and other anti-corruption practitioners.
This open book is licensed under a Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA). You can download Global Corruption ebook for free in PDF format (20.6 MB).
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Corruption in Context
Chapter 2
Bribery and Other Corruption Offences
Chapter 3
General Principles Affecting the Scope of Corruption Offences
Chapter 4
Money Laundering
Chapter 5
Asset Recovery and Mutual Legal Assistance
Chapter 6
Investigation and Prosecution of Corruption
Chapter 7
Criminal Sentences and Civil Sanctions for Corruption
Chapter 8
Lawyer's Role in Advising Business Clients
Chapter 9
Public Officials and Conflicts of Interest
Chapter 10
Regulation of Lobbying
Chapter 11
Corruption and Public Procurement
Chapter 12
Whistleblower Protections
Chapter 13
Campaign Finance Laws