Book Description
This book describes how to apply the Acceptance Test Driven Development when developing a Web Application named bookish with React / Redux and other tools in react ecosystem. It also introduces best practices and design patterns in detail about how to write clean code.
Using ATDD to build a React Application from scratch. During the development process, a reader not only can learn all the mainstream React stack technologies like React / React-router / Redux, but also learn how to write clean code, and write it in a way that enables higher code quality. Additionally, in this book, there are a lot of best practices and design patterns are described in detail to write more maintainable and reusable React components.
This open book is licensed under a Creative Commons License (CC BY). You can download Acceptance Test Driven Development with React ebook for free in PDF format (9.2 MB).
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
A very brief history of Test Driven Development
Chapter 2
Get started with Jest
Chapter 3
Test Driven Design 101
Chapter 4
Project setup
Chapter 5
Implement the Book List
Chapter 6
Implement the Book Detail
Chapter 7
Searching by keyword
Chapter 8
Introduce the state management
Chapter 9
The Reviews of a book
Chapter 10
Behavior Driven Development
Chapter 11
Design the state shape of your application
Book Details
Acceptance Test Driven Development with React
Computer Science
PDF Size
9.2 MB

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